TBD on Ning

When I left the house this morning at 4:30 it was just starting. I live by Mt Rainer so not unusual.  Now I'm at work in the Seattle area and it just starting here.  Gonna be a fun drive home tonight.  The low tomorrow night is 11 degrees.

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Maybe a boat for flooding ...

I already have a small one for that although my area is not prone to that kind of flooding. Usually when we get a wet/flooding season the sump pumps, drainage piping, etc. all disappears pretty quick from the stores. If I risk not needing it myself, maybe I can sell it on the black market. 

Just got to work.  It is 11 at the house, 18 here at work.  Ice everywhere.  I have studded tires but in ice...well, they don't help. The horse trough was frozen about 3 inches deep.  Took a sledge hammer and got it where they could drink if they did it fast.  Ah, great fun.

Didn't know they still sold studded tires . I used to put the studs in when i worked at a tire shop back in early 70's ...

Depends on the state.  They are great for snow, not so much on ice.

I'm supposed to get more snow tonight.  Low is 11 again. One more day  and I can sleep in.  Ahhhh...

I just left the house for the first time since yesterday.  I did my best cleaning out the driveway, but there are still mounds of ice that I could not move at all.  I tried again today--I will die for sure!  I'd have to pound away to pulverize it then shovel it.  I can handle 90% of snow removal, but this one was/is killer.  My husband in on his way home, but I don't know how he will do it either!

Can you pour hot water on the ice?

Don't know.  My husband is out there now and having no luck with the snow blower.  When I say IGLOOS, I mean igloos, lol.  Immoveable snow solid as a rock.  I think a jack hammer is needed.

well after readin this post all i can say is .. I'M GLAD I'M IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA .. SO FREAKIN GLAD.. i'm not makin fun of anybody here tho cause i used to live up in jersey and i also used to drive a snowplow for the place i worked and i had a few snowstorms where i wished i didn't .. man i wished i didn't .. i don't miss it one bit .. i been down here goin on 25 years and i saw it snow once .. on christmas eve in 89 .. for about an hour or so .. we got some big flurries but it never stuck so no need for plows or ice scrapers .. i guess i could handle a few flurries every 25 years .. but man oh man .. i'm sorry its so bad for you guys up north .. my best advice is just stay home .. get out when you can and get what you need and just hunker down till it gets better .. no need to give yourself a heart attack tryin to remove some snow when you're gonna get a shitload more right after you're done .. stay safe and warm up there ..  

My husband has to get a bobcat machine to get rid of the rest of the snow that I couldn't remove, lol.  He's taking off tomorrow and getting one from a guy in town. See!  I was NOT exaggerating about how bad this snow is. It wasn't too voluminous--only about eight inches, but it froze up solid!  Now, my dog can walk on TOP of it without sinking in. And I am happy to report, since I know you will not be able to live without this info, that she was finally able to have a BM!  Dogs rule!

yeah i heard that philly got hit really hard with all the ice .. a lot of power lines got so much ice on em they snapped so a lot of people are without power .. and it could be for a few more days .. i haven't talked to my son to see how bad he got it but i will this weekend .. i guess the good side of this is you didn't get caught like atlanta did where they were stuck on the road for 2 days .. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. that was really bad .. down here in sunny fla its been in the 80's the last few days .. i think we're the hottest place in the nation at the moment .. in the winter thats a good thing .. in the summer not so much .. but then for some crazy reason we never or should i say hardly ever are the hottest in the summer .. we get close to 100 degrees maybe 98 or so but never go up to it .. but down here we have this thing called the humiture .. which means with the humidity it feels like .... kinda like the wind chill makes it feel so much colder .. the humiture makes 95 feel like 115 .. good and bad about everyplace you live ..  




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