TBD on Ning

Couple weeks ago i bought this contraption . I can't use it with my feet because of my weight . I use my arms . I pedal it with my arms . At least an hour each morning and evening . It gets my heart rate up . I can set it on a table and pedal it or i am laying down with it on top of my tummy . I have cut down my calories . I have bought a protein powder . Using one scoop (28 grams per scoop) . I mix it with either water or some type of juice (orange juice) . I use this stuff to supplement a meal one or twice a day .

Ever sense my insulin was changed . My sugar has been as low as 74 . I was taking 150mg shots in morning and evening . I felt that was too low . I started taking 100 mg twice a day . My sugar this am was 111 . Yesterday 107 . I ask what number i need for someone my size ? Doctors nurse said anywhere below 150 . What ya think ? 

Turning my Beloved Truck tag in today and cancel insurance on it . No need to pay since i can't get in it to drive ....

Ya all have a great day now ya hear.....

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Replies to This Discussion

Every little thing you can do is one step in the right direction, Wayne. The calorie controlling is extremely important. There is only one way to lose weight; you must burn more calories than you take in. Period. I bought me a couple of weights, and I have been working out with them while listening to music. It makes it feel more like dancing. And I am eating so many salads, I'm going to turn into a rabbit! But I've lost 7 pounds since I got home on Jan 10. Keep at it, Wayne. I am very pleased to see you are making an effort. Life is too precious to waste it lying in bed.

The will to live is a strong incentive, I'm glad that you have decided to go with giving life a chance. Sometimes when there is so much to overcome we decide it's impossible but really it is Possible. Keep it up and next year surgery may be possible on your knee and you may be walking again and driving. I'm hoping for the good outcome for you Wayne.

Don't give up, Wayne. If you get your weight down, you will be more mobile.  Don't sell that truck just yet...

I really teared up when my cousin took my Tag to turn in . Never sell it but may give it to Grandson down the road . Not giving up . Don't really care if i can walk just want to be able to get out of bed and sit in a real chair . Sitting up in bed with nothing to lean against makes my back hurt .

Sorry, Wayne.

Can you get in your wheelchair at all?

Yes I can get in wheelchair . But I need someone here to hold chair to keep it from sliping or sliding out from under me . I can get out rather easy it's getting back in bed . Learniing though ...

Might buy me a cherry picker to lift me . Just like pulling a motor ...

just keep at it wayne .. you cant eat a whopper in one bite and you won't lose all the weight you need to in one week either .. slow and steady is the key .. you keep chippin away at it .. and once you lose enough weight you may be able to get your leg operated on .. but they can't do much for your leg if your weight is too high .. it may take you a year or more to get where you need to be .. but think how fast a year goes by .. and then think of the years you'll add to your life .. its a win win in the end for ya .. so keep it up .. it won't be easy .. but it'll be worth it in the end .. and who knows maybe you might even get your pecker workin again too .. and if that don't motivate you i'm not sure what will ..  

Lol!  I think you found Wayne's motivator.

Don't think my beanie weenie gonna work as long as I am on my deprsion pill . Hell it hard to even think a thump ...

well that may be the real beauty of it all wayne .. if you lose the weight you might not be depressed so you won't need them pills anymore either .. and of course the diabetes meds will be less or who knows maybe not needed at all .. there's been a lot of cases of peoples diabetes goin away or at least goin into remission when they get their weight in line .. not always but it does happen , so thats somethin to look forward to .. plus you'll be able to get around again .. so many plus's ..  




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