TBD on Ning

Black students in Michigan are asking that crime alerts leave out the race of the perpetrator:


Maybe they should leave out the weight as well because heavy people may be offended.

And definitely leave out the sex of the offender because I am sure their is a predominance of male perpetrators.

I think this is a crock of hooey!  I think they should work in their communities to eradicate the conditions that lead to a plethora of black youths committing crime instead of masking that it happens.

If you disagree, please tell me why--seriously.  Sometimes I see things only one way, then someone says something and I can understand the other side a little better.

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Problem is the majority of crimes and shooting are black related . The Black need to clean up their own act .

This is BS.  They already do that here....if you are black.  If you commit a crime and you are white the say "caucasian"".

Another words if they don't say the race you know it is black.  Pretty damn stupid if you ask me.

The race could be an important identifier why would anyone leave that out? Make sure the race is mentioned for all crimes though, if white say that, especially crimes that are normally considered "white collar".

There's nothing new about this - I remember it being attempted in the 80's and 90's...Some well-meaning but PC / over-reacting guardians of the new social construct getting ahead of themselves. It usually dies down when one of them gets robbed, and then they get pissed when the cops refuse to mention the race of the suspect in their investigation. All of a sudden it's not "profiling" then...

They are using the same logic in some school districts now.  Teachers and principals are being told they can't single black students out for disciplinary action......even if they have misbehaved or been disruptive. 

I don't like it.  This makes no good sense. 

These are college students that have been taking some classes and trying to exercise some activism tendencies. Seems typical of college...to try different things push here pull back there...and whose to say they aren't all ready working in their communities trying other things.
I remember college being a kind of not for prime time this is how it should be forever thing. I protested many things..not always completely thought out. Glad I wasn't in one of those groups that the media loved to jump on...oh wait..I was a female...we used to get ridiculed and belittled every time the paper got wind of any women's studies sponsored initiatives.
Some folks are just too touchy about certain stuff.... my thoughts anyway.

yeah i think its a crock too .. if that gets passed then all we'll be able to do is say what color their eyes are.. and who knows if they have colored contacts or not .. if you're black and commit a crime and there are witnesses then they should be able to say they were black .. just like if they're white .. or hispanic .. or somewhere inbetween .. and the same goes for the victims too .. if a black guy gets accosted in a white neighborhood thats news .. or have we all forgotten about zimmerman and how the media tried to make a circus out of the fact that he did say treyvon was black .. even tho he only said that AFTER HE WAS ASKED , NOT BEFORE .. msnbc was on him like white on rice and tried to make it racial .. and we all know how that turned out .. we have to admit that we do live in a biracial or even tri racial nation .. no one color to fit all so if anyone does anything and they need a description .. you are what you are .. it doesn't have to mean that every black guy from here to tipparairy is guilty if the decription says they're black .. or vice versa if they're white .. it just means they didn't do it if they're white or black and the suspect is not their color ..  

It's also has something to do with opportunistic lawyers - The kind of prowling bottom-feeders who, when approached by an "aggrieved party" with no real case, will encourage them to go through with it anyway.

After all, the way the lawyer sees it, is "Win or lose - Ehh. I get paid one way or another."




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