TBD on Ning

It seems like there are more panhandlers out there than usual. In the parking lot to the store nearest me there is a guy in a (very nice) truck that drops a woman out with an umbrella and backpack.  She sits with a sign everyday for quite a while and then he comes back and picks her up.  WTH!!

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what does the sign say?

There is one guy who sits on the off ramp at the light I stop at going home.  He looks like a veteran and only has one leg. I do sometimes give him a little money.

Something to the effect of "Hungry, please help."

I used to help out the homeless sometimes when I hung out in the city,and then one day,they were all gone,no one ever explained where they went.

They came here....

I noticed years ago when I lived in a big (for me) city the panhandlers increased in the summer and only a few die hards remained in winter.  It was -20 this morning with windchill of -40 and the weather patterns this winter may be affecting the panhandlers as well as everything else.

Happy early Ground Hog Day to you all.

They come to FL lol...the weather ya know.
Not only do the traditional "snow birds" show up..but many homeless also come.
The county where I live is between Orlando and Tampa...seems to be a good stopping off place.
I can only speak for where I live but this has been on going issues for years.
I remember years ago when I was living in Phoenix and Los Angeles was hosting the Olympics a bunch of homeless people showed up on several Greyhound buses on the outskirts of Phoenix..go figure. People with no place to live can really be inconvenient for many cities I guess.
I know our local food banks and family shelters are always busting at the seams. I can't believe people choose to live this way. We better get used to it..it doesn't seems like it's going to get any better.

Chicago is full of them!  And I've been told by people who live and work there that some of them are "professional panhandlers".  They actually are extremely talented at conning people out of money, and they ride the subway home to their apartments at the end of the day.  It is hard to know who is legit and who isn't.  I don't carry money.  I have my ATM card.  So I can't give money very often.  There is a bridge I have to cross over the Rappahonnack River in Fredericksburg.  There is a very long light on the north end of the bridge.  There are two men who appear there regularly and ask the waiting drivers for money.  I think they are both crippled in some way....and neither are young men.  I have given them a couple of dollars when I have it once in a great while.  I'd rather give them food....but I can't.  My only concern is that they will use the money for wine or drugs instead of food. 

in Manhatten,they always used to say"you don't hafta be a Rockefella' to help a fella".

Wise words. 

We have our share.  Example: I ran into a man in the lobby of TJ Maxx where I had just bought something.  He asked for  money because he was hungry.  I told him I would give him money ( too much experience with drug addicts for me to feel sorry for one who would use the money for drugs) but I said I would buy him lunch. So I went next door to KFC and bought him a sandwich, fries, and a coke.  I prefer doing that than just handing out money.

That's what I would do. It's a good idea.




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