TBD on Ning

Do you consider yourself to be well organized?

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Most of the time. I do have days where I get slack, but I always make up for it later. I am organized about the things that matter....filing important papers where they belong, paying bills on time, keeping appts straight. When I have an important day coming up....lots of things to do....I will make a list of priorities, and check them off as I go. When I packed to come up here, I made a packing list of everything I packed....and then, when I go home....I have a list of everything I brought with me, so I don't forget to bring anything home.

I'm pretty much like you Karin, but when it comes to organizing things around the house I really suck.

I am but I love my wife, so....

Yeah, like Karin I'm organized about the things that matter, filing, billpaying, keeping track of mine & Hubby's apptmts, but I sure am getting tired of it, seems like that's all I do. 

I used to be an organized machine. Not so much anymore, I try, but I'm fighting against my wife's chaos.

Concessions have to be made sometimes. I know it seems like I get things cleared away and just as soon as that happens there must be some galactic magnet that sends out the message, "Calling all clutter....SOS....there's a neat spot! Get busy and gather yourselves before this person gets the idea they have control!".....yep, I believe that is what happens....

And top of the wifey chaos, our daughter, sil, and grandson have moved back in. 

Another fine mess I've gotten myself into!!

Tee You have your Grandson full time again!!! YIPPY

Yep!!! The family room typically looks like a grandson bomb just exploded!!!!

Good! Id be right down on the floor playing games with him and building forts and stuffs!

Grandpa can still get down. It's the getting back up part I'm having trouble with.  ;-)

I heer ya Bro.




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