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Agricultural scientists at the FVI,(Fruit and Vegetable Institute), on Plum Island, NY have successfully created a new hybrid fruit: a blapple. This fruit was engineered after many years of trials using different varieties of apples. The common Mcintosh apple and a blueberry are the happy "parents".
     While there are many examples of hybrid fruits on the market, the blapple is unique. It is a virtual storehouse of nutrients like no other fruit. It's dense fiber is great for the digestion system.It is loaded with important vitamins and antioxidants and supports the cardiovascular system while benefiting  a healthy cholesterol ratio.
     The blapple is about the size of your average Passover matzoh ball but is low in calories and has absolutely no saturated fat . They will soon be available in produce sections of stores everywhere. Some folks may have a problem biting into a blapple as the outer skin can be compared to a golf ball. Flavor wise, initial reports by a random sample of fruit lovers say they taste like eating camphor. Another plus to keep in mind is that you'll never see a worm when you bite into one.

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Put it in your closet to keep the bugs off of your clothes.

YES. No moths ..another plus




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