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it only happens once, twice, three times in your life...once in your life...

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When I was a kid, and we were in FL on vacation my Mom would always let my Aunt, who was a hairdresser, cut my hair...her idea was a pixie cut which was ok but she always said I would always have to wear bangs because I had such a high forehead....sooooooo she would cut those short little bangs that looked like fringe attached to my hairline...like a cookie duster moustache only on my forehead....

I cut my bothers hair and ended up buzzing his hair off...I got in lots of trouble....

it was cute .. can't see how any parent could be mad at two little girls like that .. and they were honest .. did you think it looked good ?? .. noo,, my girlfriend cut her hair herself when she was about 4 or 5 and it was all downhill between her and her mom ever since.. to her mom she was this little blonde doll with real long hair that she could show off to her friends .. but to nancy it was florida and it was summer and it was hot and her cousin just got her hair cut so she decided to cut her hair herself .. and her mom blew a gasket behind that .. she did one of them joan crawford no wire hangers kinda thing .. eeeeeeeeee......its only hair and it will grow back ..to hear nancy tell it , it was pretty traumatic the way her mom flipped .. if it was my daughter i'd just take pictures of the event and let it go .. show her the pics years later and let her laugh about it .. why get so upset over it ??  

I agree Frenchy.  I had to laugh when he asker her why and she said because her hair almost went to her toush and it could have gone in the toilet and been gross....too darn funny. 

awww that's just your creative side coming put. you march to a different drummer....or you like it when they laughed at him....your choice....

I had a couple of nieces and I remember one cutting the other dolls hair, but not here sisters.   I just couldn't get over how these two just seemed to tell the story to their dad, kind of matter of fact.  Even when they were describing how their mother reacted, just very cute.  

OH that was funny and cute. I remember when my dad cut my brother's hair when he was about 10 it was horrible, it really did look like he put a bowl over his head. (he didn't I was there). I think my brother spent his haircut money on candy or some other equally stupid thing. Never did that again.

My # 2 & 3 granddaughters are six months apart. When they played together "stuff" always happened. My daughter made an appt for a family portrait to be done...all four of my kids, a sil, and 3 granddaughters. Two days before the portrait was to be done, Amanda cut off a chunk of Sebrina's hair.....right on top of her forehead!! So on the finished picture....Sebrina is wearing her Easter bonnet. My daughter was not happy! I think it's cute. My daughter got over it and is now really tight with her niece.

are they twins?

No.....that would be something for the Ripley Believe-it-or-not! :-). They are cousins.

you see how I got confused?

Soooo cute!  And the detailed nature of  the story : "It was tickling my hips!"  LOLOL


When I was young, my Uncle Phil, a barber, used to cut my hair shorter in the back and longer in the front and I hated it.  Now I ask for it that way, lol.




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