TBD on Ning

Other than emotional stuff (which is not what I'm talking about, but if you want to address that--by all means do so), the hardest thing I ever had to do was learn to dance the way ball room competitors dance. 


We had a thing through school called " Dancing with the Teachers" where we were paired up with ball room instructors and were taught to dance. The dance I "learned" was the cha cha, supposedly, but it was to Elvis Presley's " A little more action and a lot less conversation" which didn't sound like a cha cha to me at all.  And did you know that cha cha starts on the second beat?  Oy!  At one point my teacher said, "Joanna, I'm going to yell at you." I'm glad he warned me.


I finally got the steps ok, sort of, with no grace to them at all. And I practiced ALL the time.  It looks easy, but man is it hard, and I consider myself a decent dancer. I can't watch Dancing with the Stars because I can't stand the non dancers who lumber around , as I did. 

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Learning to drive was tough for me, took me years before I would get on a freeway or expressway the first two years of driving I never made a left hand turn, I always went a few blocks further then made right hand turns to get me on the street I wanted to be on. 

I also had a really hard time learning to shake hands, for some silly reason I was terrified and anxious if anyone wanted to shake hands.

Now I'm fearless, I don't know what caused those early fears they seem so stupid in hindsight. I guess I can laugh at the old me.

I guess for me, it was learning to walk again...I was partially paralyzed from a spinal cord tumor and had to go through lots of therapy and learn how to use muscles differently and how to compensate for certain weaknesses. I ended up mostly using a nordic track ski machine for strength training...was a long road back but most people who didn't know me back then wouldn't know I had problems. Dancing was something else I did a lot of...wonderful therapy for that.

I used to do a lot of soloing in church, for weddings, funerals, etc.  Learning to do that without getting physically ill was difficult, indeed. 

I've mastered the first 95 levels of Candy Crush. Seriously tho, I think I'm more a "jack of all trades, master of none" I've done a bunch of stuff, can't say I have mastered any particular thing, used to always aim for perfection, discovered some one or some thing will do it better, so I set the bar wherever I want to now and if I get there- great! If not, c'est la vie...

Folding a fitted sheet where it looks decent.  Does tht count?

Thats why i don't use fitted sheets ....

I tried this.  I could not do it! 

I fold my sheets, then put them in one of the set's pillow cases so they stay together as sets, so a messy fold is fine. 

But I got lost somewhere in the video, lol.


Crest!! What a clever idea!Can I steal it??  Now boys, thanks for the videos but thats wayyy over my head.  I'd end up tripping over it and breaking my leg.

well to be honest as long as my sheets are clean i don't worry about em bein wrinkled .. i'd never iron my sheets .. who has time for that ?? and if my sheets do get wrinkled i can always work the wrinkles out once they're on the bed .. and sometimes if i'm lucky i can find a nice girl to help me work them wrinkles out .. and the other times if i'm really really lucky i can find a really really bad girl who won't leave till all the wrinkles are gone .. i gotta admit , there are times when you can make o.c.d. work for ya.. yup there are ..   

I like the way your mind works, French! ;-)




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