TBD on Ning

Other than emotional stuff (which is not what I'm talking about, but if you want to address that--by all means do so), the hardest thing I ever had to do was learn to dance the way ball room competitors dance. 


We had a thing through school called " Dancing with the Teachers" where we were paired up with ball room instructors and were taught to dance. The dance I "learned" was the cha cha, supposedly, but it was to Elvis Presley's " A little more action and a lot less conversation" which didn't sound like a cha cha to me at all.  And did you know that cha cha starts on the second beat?  Oy!  At one point my teacher said, "Joanna, I'm going to yell at you." I'm glad he warned me.


I finally got the steps ok, sort of, with no grace to them at all. And I practiced ALL the time.  It looks easy, but man is it hard, and I consider myself a decent dancer. I can't watch Dancing with the Stars because I can't stand the non dancers who lumber around , as I did. 

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Shirley "Cha-Cha" Muldowney

I met her one time at Atlanta Drag way , Commerce Georgia . Hot lady ... 

yea,she got a heart like a wheel,whatever the hell that means.did she say anything cool? i'll bet she did.

You are funny, Flipper (love).  What's that (love) thing you added to your name?

I don't know,it's on the bottom of my profile pic.

So you " mastered" that gal, did you, Tim? I'll bet she didn't even put up a fight!

probably recordin a song i write .. thats really hard for me ..some guys can seem to get all them knobs and sliders in just the right place and everything sounds great .. but me .. nahh .. it's a real process for me so i get really frustrated .. if i had a bunch of dough i'd just go to a studio and let the studio engineers worry about all that .. but then i end up playin a lot of the parts myself so it takes me a month of sundays ..eeeeeee...   

damn header,i can't even think straight.

It took me a while to master school so i could pass my grades . J Never have mastered women . In my future i may have to master how to walk again . Believe that will be hardest ....

I mastered baiting a hook.

Ya bait a Catawba worm by turning it inside out ....

you sound like a real master baiter.




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