TBD on Ning

What is the farthest you have gone to make someone happy?

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around the world.

Well i bought my wife 2 dozen plastic roses for her birthday once . She wasn't amused ....Guess thats why i ain't married anymore....

All the way.

you hit the nail on the bull's eye,Rose.

Don't you mean she pinned the tail on the piñata??


Ditto on that Rose and Flipper.

 Shell,welcome back my friend

Hitchhikeing  solo from Denver Co. to Rochester N.Y. in winter because my brother needed to talk. We met at a Joni Michel concert, after a couple of days together he spoke his heart and told his story.

R.I.P. Leon 

When my girlfriend (Bethy-Bear) busted up her leg playing soccer (The Animals) I went over to her house and ironed a week's worth of clothes for her so she could get to work the next week.  Married 25 years as of last month...

KUDOS LLL what a thoughtful thing to do to help her uot!

I'm actually on that road, a bumpy road right now;  I'll let you know when I get to the end...




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