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if I had a nickel for everytime I heard that..

Conservatives: Get ObamaCare and Uncle Sam will sexually assault you

The Week

Has this ever happened to you? You're in the middle of a routine physical exam when suddenly a nightmarish vision of Uncle Sam emerges from nowhere and needlessly probes your butt.

That's the hyperbolic take on ObamaCare put forward in a conservative ad from from Generation Opportunity, a group backed by the free-spending libertarian Koch brothers. Here's the video, along with another one aimed at women:

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The message in both is clear: ObamaCare will, more or less, rape you at the doctor's office.

Extreme? Certainly. (New York's Jonathan Chait calls it the "rape-clown argument.") However, the ads' underlying goal is not to save you from unwanted prostate exams, but rather to defeat the health care law by convincing the uninsured — and especially young adults — to "opt out" of ObamaCare.

Starting October 1, Americans can begin enrolling in health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act. The exchanges are intended to enroll millions of uninsured Americans, creating a huge new pool of customers that will, in theory, force insurance companies to compete against each other and drive down prices for everyone.

The exchanges need to attract plenty of young, healthy Americans to help defray the costs of adding older, sicker people to the insurance pool. Young people tend to have lower insurance costs, which drives down premiums for everyone.

That's where the Uncle Sam ads come in. They're just the latest incarnation of an ongoing campaign by conservative groups to spook young people into staying uninsured, thus spoiling the exchange rollout and dooming ObamaCare.

The conservative group FreedomWorks launched a campaign this summer telling Americans, "Burn your ObamaCare card." Though there is actually no such card, the group aims to equate the health care law with the military draft.

"We're trying to make it socially acceptable to skip the exchange," FreedomWorks' Dean Clancy told Reuters.

Another anti-ObamaCare group, Americans For Prosperity, is spending upwards of $1 million on ads sowing confusion about the law and urging people to not enroll. One ad features a woman who, while fretting about her son's health problems, suggests the ACA will raise health care costs and prevent people from being able to choose their own doctors. (The latter claim is completely false, says FactCheck.org.)

Citizens for Healthcare Freedom even released a flier explicitly outlining the movement's goal.

"If not enough people enroll, the Exchanges will fail," the flier says. "If the Exchanges fail, ObamaCare fails."

With the exchanges about to kick in, more of this kind of messaging is on the way. Generation Opportunity's Burger King-esque Uncle Sam ads are just one part of a larger six-figure campaign that's just getting underway.

Here's Yahoo's Chris Moody:

Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges.

Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college football tailgate parties festivals, where "brand ambassadors" (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read "opt out," pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ's, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said. [Yahoo]

just curious too...what are cornhole games and do i really want to know....eeeeuuwwww

I know what cornhole games are, It's not what you think,but I digress. The right calls it Obabacare, but it is the Affordable Care Act. The whole idea is to make health care AFFORDABLE, and AVAILABLE to EVERYONE! I got sick about 10 years ago with no health ins. I ended up with 33 medical bills that came each month. Since I was unable t work, the best I could do was pay $25 a month on each bill. That was only possible for a set amount of time until I had to send $10 a month, and eventually $5 a month. After that I had to default on all of the medical bills, several credit cards (I had excellent credit before I got sick) I ended up divorcing my wife and giving her our home in the settlement so that the creditors couldn't put a lien against our home. I pretty much lost my credit, my business, and a good portion of my life because I had the audacity to get sick without health insurance. Do I think affordable health care is a good idea. Hell Yeah!! Just wish it had been implemented in 10 years ago.

PS. Both my wife and I have had cancer in the past, so under the standards today, neither one of us able to buy health insurance coverage. Under the Affordable Care Act, we would both be able to buy health insurance. 

exactly...and the complaint about govt interfering in business? well hell i never see business complaining about getting tax breaks for the business...like walmart.....and how much does it cost the economy for productive taxpaying people who get sick and end up losing their homes and going thru bankruptcies and foreclosures, driven into poverty by the cost of health care. there's a woman from beaumont texas who was an emt and owned her own home ..a good productive taxpayer....until one afternoon, when she and her cousin were out for a ride in the car and someone pulled alongside them and shot them with a shotgun. her cousin was killed. this woman had her arm crippled by the shot...an operation could repair it so she could go back to work...but her medical thru her work won't pay for it since they say it wasn't work related...her car insurance won't pay...the state won't pay because the paltry disability she is living onof about 382 bucks a month is too high to let her qualify for state aid...so she lives in a rundown trailer on that 382 bucks a month instead of one operation and back to work paying taxes...meantime she has lost EVERYTHING...her house and all her possessions ...

Religious Fanatics who shoot the shit out of a shopping centre,killing women and children..in the name of religion.

one word,,,,HYPOCRITES

How much time do we have?



I don't care about all your money.

"Will you watch your language, goddammit!"  (Said by my dad to my then-15-yr-old brother who had just used the phrase "that damn math teacher of mine".)




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