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What do you do when no one is looking?

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im 57 I stil climb trees to make sure that I stil can at lease once a yaer. yup checking the view just like wen I was little.

play pirate in ernest. last yaer my beloved got me one one of the coolest gifts Ive ever gotten for Christmas-A REEL SPYGLASS! (I alredy have a black eyepatch.)

Turn off all the lites in the house at nitetime and play hide and seek with my dog.

I pretty much think many people are bizar and say or do very strange things in public. Tho I am very reserved in public.In private I reinact weird behaviors Ive seen and respond with the internal diolog that I had at the time. Its kinda like playing all of the roles in a play, or playing chess by yourself.

Math games. I love math and thinking abuot equasions. Wen ever im bored in public  ( like standing in line forever at the grocery) I pick up what ever equasion I was working on last time and work on it. In private I verbilize the ideas and move componates of the equasions around on a imagionary blackboard.

I no that Im weird mostly I don't mind. I get incredibly restless and agitated if I don't have interesting things to think abuot. As long as a person behaves aproapitely in public (I do) your brain is the only real freedom you have.


I don't think you are weird at all. Different? Yeah, but in a glorious way!

TeeBubby I have so much love and respect for you my friend..thank you for accepting me as I am.

Wouldn't want you any other way!!

Double D....I was so pleased to see you join our group because I have always admired you and though it would be fun to be you for a month or so.  I like the way you are  your own person and walk your own path. I envy your freedom and spirit.  You have a fascinating outlook on the world, and I like looking at the world through your eyes. 

embaresment ,Karin ..what a beautiful thing to say to me.

thank you falls short of my feeling, I wil remember.

"play hide and seek with my dog"

That's me LOL...


my boy landseer always cheats tracking me to my hiding place..so I jump uot at the last second and scare the shit uot of him. Then hes off...nothing like a chaseing a 154# dog around the house with the lites off! One of us Always wipes uot on the refrigerator trying to make the corner into the kitchen.

Landseer, my neice lauren and The Runtweiler my brothers dog.

He is a beautiful boy, I miss my Newfoundlands the sweetest dogs ever.

yes after I got landseer home (away from his abusers) and healthy he bonded to me like a second skin. I think he has forgotten the horrible time now and is all abuot love and happiness. A presious loving puppy brain in a monster dog suit.

I used to practice typing without a typewriter...lol. I would type out whatever was being said to me.

dang, where's Rose anyway? I miss her.




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