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What is the #1 thing you are missing in your life?

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My Cousin, she was like a Sister to me! Lost her so suddenly two years ago...still can not believe she is gone. I miss her so much!

My brother Danny who passed away 4 years ago. He had COPD. He had applied for disability. The same day he got it, after fighting to get it for 2 years, he passed away. He had been living with my Mom and had said, "Now I will be able to help her and not feel like such a bum. " He had a degree in computer science and did work on the side. But the irony of the way things happened makes me cry even still. One thing though. He lived life with zest! I loved that about him.

Rose, it so hard to lose loved ones. All my grandparents are gone except a grandmother in law, she is 84 and lives in Michigan. I worry about her and her Asthma. It is sad to see her get so out of breath. I agree with you on the money! Need lots of it.

Imaginethat, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Brother, that stinks on how he got disability and did not have a chance to use it. My cousin Linda, lived life to the fullest. She was a positive lady! Her personality was the best and would fill the room with laughter!! 

Thank you for sharing with us about your Brother, try not to cry....I know it is hard...I am an emotional softie.


I'm missing my fun group of friends who were so sarcastic but really great people inside, wish we were still all in the same state. I miss laughing till my sides hurt.

there's a few people here who can be quite sarcastic..right Johnnie? Johnnie? right?

Who??? Me???? I'm always a perfect gentleman.


there's that sarcasm that we all know and love.

That's nice.  I hope your daughter comes back to you too, then you'll have two.

what LLL said.

Hang in there Bruce. My daughter and I butted heads, and it took over a year for her to get a grip on how much she had hurt me. She refused to talk to me even after I asked to discuss our problems. Her answer was, "Not now." I thought "not now" meant tomorrow. I was wrong, it was over a year, and I missed out on my grandson being born. She finally decided that I was an influential part of her life that she didn't want to give up, it just took a long time. Glad she decided I wasn't the bad guy after all. 

Daughters have a way of changing their minds after giving thought to things Bruce. Keep your oar in and be patient soon enough she'll realize someone lied to her.




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