TBD on Ning

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no shower...cause no running water.....

See what's on tv (if anything).

Better load up on all the batteries you can steal, cuz there will be no electricity without people.  And it'll be pretty hard to pump gas, too.  You'll have to get used to living without a/c and heat......and there will be no gas/electricity to cook with. 

would it really be stealing if there's no one to pay?


It depends on if I new that I was the last human alive or not in the long run.

Short term take a new truck and horse trailer and my dog. take my "grab n go" bac pak and firearms/ammo. I have the necessitys for 2 weeks in it. Then gas up at one of the farms. No peeps= no electric for gas pumps, refrigeration etc . As I worked my way tword towns I would release as many pets and as much livestock as possible. Contained animals would have less than a week without a water source.

The horse trailer I would outfit as a dry secure shelter. They can go over a lot of terane that campers can not.Raid the apothecary, meds huge stash of antibiotics emergency supplys, major and minor pain relievers. yes recreational drugs also, IODINE pills (water purificatoin),hardwarestore generator lite sources etc. etc.etc. camping store uotfited with top camping supplys cook stove lighters etc etc, grocery hi netrition small bulk food.

I no that I would spend the first 2 weeks or as long as I saw life ( after I uotfited the truck and trailer) just releaseing captive animals. Long term as much as animals meen to me if I new that I was the only human left on earth..well I no what profound lonleyness can do to a person.

If I did not no that I was the last human on earth I would survive ,help critters and search until I died.


you been doing your homework,bro

yes that is tru flipper. P.S That's Sister Lady to you fella! (wink)

there's an awful lot of variables.

With no lights, I'd finally get to see the Milky Way

Id go live on an island.....hope zombies cant swim.

In the book version of World War Z, the zombies got all over the globe by walking under water.  (I guess zombie corpses don't float, :D.) Didn't show that in the movie tho.




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