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What if you stopped going outside?

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I would despair. Responsibilitys some living would not be taken care of.My valley would quickly become reclaimed by scrub. This is short term. 

Since I do the grocery shopping, we would not eat.

I spend much time outside.  The outside world would suffer from my absence, mosquitoes would starve, birds go unfed and unhoused, mail unretrieved from mailbox, firewood unmade, religious proselytizers unenlightened, gardens unplanted, lawn uncut, etc.. Alas.

My goodness, you brought up some good things shadowman. How could I forget about feeding the birds and keeping water in the birdbath. If I did not go outside to work in my garden, it would look like a jungle..LOL!

And just think, the neighbors next door with the telescope would not have anyone to spy on if people did not go outside.

If you can't go outside, you might have to bring the outside in!  A maze in the living room, an arboretum in the den, an orchard in the kitchen...wow....and benches all along the path

Good point. In the winter I grow some stuff (legal stuff) on my window sill, usually some Marigolds, whatever comes up and is green. Dang, imagine, how much space do you have?

Too funny, I like your sense of humor! I have one of those neighbors. It is good to have a neighbor like that, I know she watches out for us.

There's two gay guys a few doors down that keep watch'n me.

Take it as a compliment LLL!

I agree, DD, especially if they're young & good-looking enough! :D

if I couldn't go outside...id move into the pub.




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