TBD on Ning

when you should have just stayed in bed? I'm having one. I have the CRS going on.
forgot my badge, had to turn around, go back and get it. Forgot my cell, same thing. This is gonna be a fun day I can just tell.

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Follow me for a day. I get up at 3:45am drive 50 miles to work, work, drive 50 miles home. Then I change clothes, go feed and exercise two horses, feed me, shower, clean up around the house and fall in bed.

sounds so..... tiring .. i think i'll take a nap .. you do that everyday dwalt ?? i remember when i used to put in 80 hour weeks , week in and week out when i had my own business .. then i sold it all and bought this house and put a little shop next door ,now i build guitars ..no more commutin to work .. made a deal with myself that i'd never do anything like that ever again .. so far so good .. i'll admit i have some lean weeks and sometimes i have some fat weeks but thats how it goes .. you put some away for the lean times .. and don't go crazy in the fat times .. one thing i can say for sure .. i save a lotta money on gas .. haven't lost any weight tho .. and i could probably afford to lose a few..maybe if i did a little more housework around here ??   nah........  

In some cultures some believe you can see your future by looking at bones or dice after they are tossed, or tarot cards, or animal entrails. Sometimes you can just step outside your house and see it like I did the other morning.  Dang neighbor's bull.

Well, you know what they say...Sh!t happens...

I couldn't have said it better.




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