TBD on Ning

As if that was necessary.  You might want to throw on a robe before watching that episode of The Big Bang Theory every night.

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Your TV might be watching you   Today's high-end televisions are almost all equipped with "smart" PC-like features, including Internet connectivity, apps, microphones and cameras. But a recently discovered security hole in some Samsung Smart TVs shows that many of those bells and whistles aren't ready for prime time.

The flaws in Samsung Smart TVs, which have now been patched, enabled hackers to remotely turn on the TVs' built-in cameras without leaving any trace of it on the screen. While you're watching TV, a hacker anywhere around the world could have been watching you. Hackers also could have easily rerouted an unsuspecting user to a malicious website to steal bank account information.

Samsung quickly fixed the problem after security researchers at iSEC Partners informed the company about the bugs. Samsung sent a software update to all affected TVs.

But the glitches speak to a larger problem of gadgets that connect to the Internet but have virtually no security to speak of.

Security cameras, lights, heating control systems and even door locks and windows are now increasingly coming with features that allow users to control them remotely. Without proper security controls, there's little to stop hackers from invading users' privacy, stealing personal information or spying on people. Full story at:


Tags: Paranoia

Views: 59

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Now, see, it bothers me.  I am incensed that I could be watched in my own home.  To me, that's like putting a peep hole in a ladies' room or fitting room in a store.  It has a huge "creepy factor" for me. 

It is bad enough one or the other. But what it you plug your computer into the TV to use the bigger screen as some do. Seems this would multiply the potential for problems. I don't do that but looked at my TV some time back and it is capable of plugging my computer into it and just to see if my feeble skills were up to it to experiment with that. But as Rose says, If they are watching me, that is sad, but if it enables stealing information or such then that is different.

I still think it would be like having a creepy peeping tom for a neighbor.  It would make me very uncomfortable.

I don't know. I just wasn't exactly shocked by the Snowden info either. China has been jailing people for writing blogs for the past decade at least. I read an article in National Geographic in 2003, I think it was the Nov edition and it was about surveillance. THAT was an eye opener. 


Let'em try; they won't see anything they haven't seen before and we'll  be laughing at'em when we pick up their cooler tapes (if they get any)  for $.10 on the $1 at their bankruptcy sale.

All they will see on our smart tv is my husband with his clicker. Let them knock themselves out watching.

Yeah, that's got to be up there in the top ten worst jobs, watching people clicking on their computers.

geee so that's where they get that free amateur porn.....so if you tune in, you might see your neighbors...or family members...or even yourself.......Surprise!!




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