TBD on Ning

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I think he just wanted you to respond, explain what you meant, not leave.  Nobody wants you to leave. You've been having a good time here. The past is the past.

now ya see perri , its comments like that , that can make people think you think you're better than they are .. i never called you a fool and always read what you had to say . that don't guarantee that i'll agree with you tho .. this is after all a big world and people sometimes will and sometimes won't agree .. you don't need to agree with me either .. but to say somethin like i just don't get it and then not answer when i ask you what you're talkin about is a little rude .. when you asked things on the threads here i always tried to answer your questions and never ignored you .. and if you made a good point i would say so . i'm not here to fight with people everyday .. just to exchange ideas .. people that know me know that mostly i try to insert a little humor to keep people smilin if i can .. and i can tease a bit here and there , and i don't mind if someone teases me .. but to get that condacendin attitude that you're smarter than everyone else but too important to stoop to their level just makes you look petty and immature .. there are no fools here .. just people who think different than you . if you weren't so much on your high horse you might see that , and come to find they're all pretty good people even when they don't agree with you .. so why not climb down and try startin over with us and see .. hi , i'm frenchy , welcome to the group .. i may not always agree with you , but it will always be your right to say it here ...    

You are not at all sorry. You are snarky.

French? Snarky?
I've known him 7 years; never have I known him to be a Snark!
Irreverent....silly, sometimes sarcastic......but always intelligent, thoughtful, and respectful. And honest.....sometimes to a fault. But snarky?

He's Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!^^^^^^^^^This is the guy I was talking about, Frenchy.

Instead of judging, please discuss, Robert.  We already have someone who will judge us; we don't need you. 

 Would love to hear why, who, what , when, where, how from you instead of just get a slap on the wrist from you--our mommies did that to us long ago so we're good... Your views would give us something to discuss.

Your sniping is so out of place in this group, don't you see?

 Ironically, it was your post, Robert, that brought out the BEST in the members of this group.

was it me that you meant mr. burke because i don't remember apologizin for anything i said .. and i'm not sorry for anything i said .. now if you misunderstood what i meant you can ask me and i'll explain it to you.. thats not a problem .. i don't mind .. cause thats how we do it in here .. if you'd have been here more often you'd know that.. otherwise ,   you sure you have the right group ?? 

Be interesting to see some ads like this on TV here wouldn't it? There are some other scenarios I would like to see too. I wonder sometime if some folks saw themelves on video saying and doing some of the stuff if it might a difference.

We are all of an age that if we don't know any better by now...I'm thinking it's not going to get any better. I like to think we do better when we know better...but I do have a hard time with folks that are willfully ignorant and proud of it.
We are products of our times and our experiences and our ignorance...bless our hearts.
I guess it's hard to look at folks individually sometimes...we seem to have this need to sort and group apparently...and then judge when some groups aren't like us. Always got to be them or us..its seems.
I think we all have things we need to get over....mostly ourselves. I think it's easy to judge when we're looking at a TV screen or listening to some of these emails and other crapola that gets passed around as being truth on the internet.
And the idea that everybody does it...excuses nobody...we have to be personally responsible for our behavior and what comes out of our mouth. There by an accident of birth only...

Gee, where I'm from you don't call anyone a fool. Oh...I forgot, I'm from the bible belt...

Racism exist on both sides of the fence, we deal with it. For me, I don't care what color you are, religion or political stand you take, long as you're straight with me and of good moral character. I love you.  Great ad !

Great thread, I'm sure there are people in this group that have a certain opinion of me that isn't so hot, I have to say one of the reasons I like this group so much is that we disagree on a lot of things but don't hold grudges even when we disagree because in the next thread we may agree with that same person whole heartedly on another issue. 

The other reason is that I have seen what each one of you has gone thru and I admire what you've done and how you've made your life workable even when there is pain for yourself or your loved ones. I see you all as individuals with strong feelings because of the history you have. My history is different so I may see the issue differently and believe me I am not opposed to learning from each one of you. I am happy to have the opportunity to "meet" everyone in this group. If you want to punch me out from time to time...virtually, I get it and I'll get over it. Thanks for being authentic and being you.

i never said i didn't think you were hot lifey .. 

You are so funny frenchy...leave it to you to find the fun words.




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