TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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Everything happens for a reason.

Sometimes those reasons are because you are stupid and make bad decisions.

I wish the Dollar Store sold gas. 

What is the definition of a will?

It's a dead giveaway 

"Everybody has a little amount of fear... it's the courage you have to overcome it that makes it so wonderful, that makes a successful bull rider." Lisa Stipp 1998 World Champion bull rider, page 45 of Good Ol' Cowgirl Stories

I'm so lazy I get excited about canceled plans. 

That's using your head!

456 dollars for hotel on Corpus Christi Bay plus they charge extra for wi-fi and parking.

free mini bar?

4 dollars extra for water and 10 dollar extra to get wi-fi and 18 dollars extra to park car





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