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Have you ever had a Wardrobe Malfunction ?

Intentional or Not ?

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I can speak from experience......she needs a chin guard if  you're taking her down that road.  There were a few times when I thought I was going to end up with a bruised chin. 

i didn't notice a chin in the picture,lemme look again.

i still don't notice a chin,maybe i'm not looking at it right,i'll be happy to look again.

i know a few girls like that .. 

I'll just bet you do, French! ;-)

I just thought of one that my husband had.  The day after my mother died, we were all very sad. My husband, sister and I went to the funeral parlor to make the arrangements.  Something white was sticking out of the hem of my husbands pants, and I told him about it.  He pulled at it and pulled at it and pulled at it.  It was a pair of long johns stuck in his pants, I I guess from when he did his wash.  We, including the funeral director, cracked up laughing.  My mother would have loved to be there with us because she was a big time laugher.

This guy does not have much left to malfunction, but things like this make me laugh. Looks like a homemade outfit (and maybe some homebrewing).

Well, isn't he a nice little slice of crazy. @[305974232869902:274:Deranged Delite]

Only one I can think of is I made me a poncho out of black glittery material that went over a strapless black gown I made.  After the need for the long gown ended, I used the poncho over a short black pencil skirt.  It worked well until we went dancing one night, and they had black lights.  Apparently, my white bra shone through that poncho like it was neon.  Kinda embarrassing. 

that's hot

what about this malfuction?

nothin like a couple of cute bridesmaids with their fingers up their butts to make a dull weddin interestin ..  

scratch and sniff?

Dig Baby Dig ...




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