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Angelina Jolie Had Both Breast Removed because of 87% Risk ...

Lady's How would you feel if you were forced to have a Breast removed to live a longer life ?

Gentlemen , how would you feel if your wife , companion lost her Breast ? 

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I just had an incident and have to go for a biopsy next week.  They see no masses, and my mother DID get breast cancer---at 86--had a lumpectomy and radiation and lived to be 97, but they see something suspicious that may have to come out. Anyway, my sister kept asking me if I was scared.  I am not scared.  It is what it is and if I had to lose a breast, I would deal with it. But the doctor practically assured me that she doesn't see anything that severe--just something.

What I would NOT want to deal with is the chemo and illnesses that result from it.  Ten years from now if it happened, I might just turn down that kind of intense treatment.  I have seen too many bad results and lingering illness from the treatment.  Of course, if I were younger, I might feel differently. 

Best to you Joanna those waiting times are the worst, hope it's good news for you. You are still a young woman but I understand about the chemo thing I wouldn't want to take part in that either. I probably would but it would not be an easy thing to decide.

i'm sure it was a tough decision for her and she didn't come to it lightly but with the odds she had against her it only made sense .. and of course you have to remember that she has access to the best plastic surgeons that money can buy .. she did it in segments and first had the mastectomy and they put some kinda balloons in her to stretch the skin so when she went back in a couple of months it would give her a much more natural look .. at 37 and bein at the point in her career that she doesn't have to show her knockers to get a good role i doubt it will effect her all that much .. but there's a good chance if they did a good enough job who knows , she just might do a topless scene for a couple of reasons .. for one to show that a woman who has had a mastectomy is not repulsive and its not the end of your life or your sex life . or maybe just because she really likes the way they look , and lets face it , if she did i'l bet it would give that movie the biggest amount of ink and free press that you ever saw in your life .. of course there would be the haters and the supporters on both sides but my opinion is its her body and her life and her decision to do as she believes .

and my best to you cresty .. i hope everything comes out fine .. 

Crest, the waiting and the testing can be very nerve wracking.  Been there done that.  I am sure it will turn out to be nothing.  However, since I have been through chemo and surgery if you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you to get good news.

I had a similar experience back when I was 37 and I was in my second year of law school.  My husband was living in Wisconsin at the time and we only saw each other once a month.  First the mammogram - had to go back for another, then being told there was definitely a lump and going to a surgeon.  He told me it was a tumor, but almost for sure not malignant because it was decreasing in size and that doesn't happen if it's malignant.  I told him to go ahead and remove it because I wanted to be SURE.  He did and it was, but in the interim, I was trying to prepare myself for chemo and radiation while in law school because I was bound and determined it wasn't going to stop me.

Now, at this age and stage of my life - I'd have the surgery but I believe I would pass on the chemo and radiation.  Quality of life is more important to me than quantity, and I live alone so it would be very difficult to do.  Good luck to you - I hope your outcome is as happy as mine.  I still have the scar to remind me of how very, very lucky I was.

Thanks all for the well wishes and support!

I have had surgery 3 times for lumps and been very "lucky"  My sister had breast cancer and recovered fully. I will have to say each time it scared the crap out of me.




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