TBD on Ning

What foods do you enjoy Cooking ?

That is if you still Cook ...

When was last time you baked a pan of Biscuits ?

Anything Planed for Mother's Day ?

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After my Cholesterol came down . Doc too me off it . I also was experiencing hot flashes while on that drug ...

I get hot flashes all the time.  Have been for years and years, lol.

I make pulled pork in the crock pot.  All I do is put seasoning on it, nothing else, cook it up until it falls apart, add a little Bulls Eye BBQ sauce with Guiness in it and it's so good. I use the cheapest cut of pork--butt!

I wish I could figure out what makes people ENJOY cooking and DO IT! Every man I have ever dated LOVES to cook so WHY bother?  But when I give up dating, I guess I will enjoy the Gourmet TV dinners which really arent bad these days! ACtually, if I could, I would go out to eat every night...i reallly prefer it to anybody's cooking!!


Kim i cook to survive or eat out of a can . Prices to eat out is too costly besides i am to shy to sit alone in a restaurant . Fast food at windows is OK but adds too much fat . Home cooking works best for me . It is also hard to cook for one without over doing it ...

Yeah...cooking for one (or TWO) IS difficult and I am NOT really into leftovers unless you can re-bake something. I hate microwaved food. During the weekdays, I LIVE with an old lady. Since her husband has died, she doesnt want me to cook much at all and its hard NOT to.

I only eat out about once a week or so by myself (and I eat Chick fil a with my Dad almost every week) and I figure its cheaper than a vacation!! I love to take my book (OR my notebook if I'm writing something) and sit in a restaurant and just have them bring me refills on my sweet tea for as long as I want and clean up my mess..LOL!! I usually eat lunch around 3 and dinner around 7 so no one cares if I take up a booth for an hour or so....


I know its off the subject but you're a nice looking guy, Chief...I guess I just pictured you looking like Benjamin Button because on my phone that little Monkey profile picture LOOKS like him. (Look up the movie and you will see what I mean. I forget the whole TITLE but Brad Pitt was in it I think)

I hate throwing food away too which is why i try not to make more than I know will get eaten. I wish I was one of those people who could throw a bunch of leftovers together and make a really good meal that you would never suspect was "yesterdays meatloaf". My friend used to make an awesome soup like this but I wanted to smack her when she said, "Oh,  recipe? I dont know...It was a little of this and that from 2 nights of dinners."

Those leftovers make some mighty tasty soups with a little meat added . I like to take some Macaroni and a can of diced tomatoes , grew up on that stuff ...

Like at walmart . If someone gets food out of i guess meat department and decides not to get it and places it some where else in store . Walmart had to throw it away . Lot's of food i wasted that way also ...

I am a good cook, and I like to cook.  I love to try new recipes....but I have my old favorite stand-bys I love to make now and again.  Since I'm only cooking for myself nowadays, I try to make a lot of salads and stuff, but when I feel like going all out, I'll make enough to put some in the freezer and save myself some time on another day.  I love to bbq, too. We have a nice gas grill, and my son never uses it....so I do.  I just bought a couple of huge pork chops I intend to grill this week for Dave and me. His wife left today for a month in Thailand....so I do some cooking with my son while she's gone. He's an excellent cook, but she won't let him cook.....so when she's gone, he and I take turns making dinner.  It's fun to cook with him.  He never cooks without a glass of wine nearby.

I have made biscuits, Wayne...but I prefer muffins.  I'm making a dessert for a spaghetti dinner my senior group is having on Friday night.  I don't know what it'll be, but I'll find a recipe I like and try it.  Maybe just a really dark, rich chocolate cake; that's always a winner. 

I like muffins if they aren't sweet . McDonald's turned me against sweet sausage McMuffins .




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