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What is Lust ?

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Dang if I kin remember!

It doesn't have to be sex related . It could be a Book , a Sandwich , anything that takes over your mind ...

OOh. If it's men, then I lust for young Ragnar Lothbrok from The Vikings.

Yup!  Watch him talking and walking around and you'll understand even more why.

Or try this:

Where can see this program? A little lusting makes the world go round...

It's over, but it's still on Demand on the History Channel, the last five episodes anyway.  Because it's on History Channel, there are only suggestions of sex and orgies, but it's really about the Viking Culture and the clash with the Christian Culture and sailing west and raiding and pillaging.  I can sit through the battle scenes because each week the show is mostly about how the Vikings live.  This Ragnar, I wait for him...but he has a beautiful kick-ass viking wife too. They are just very very pretty to look at.  Who cares what the story is.  It just happens to also have a good story.

Raiding and pillaging...that works...I'll look for the listings.

My daughter says the security guard at the school she teaches at looks like this young man.  And he has a crush on her!  Lucky girl!  Not bad for a gal who has 4 grandkids. 

Maybe in the beginning of me i may have lusted about things . As i got older i feel no use to lust for something I'll never have . Like Women , Cars , Happiness on a grand scale . Just not in the cards for me . Running out of time in this world ....

We're all running out of time Wayne.  I watched a show about a woman with cancer who was whining to her doctor that she was dying.  Because he had had enough of her narcissism, he responded:  How does that make you different from anyone else in the world? 

I drive a 1996 Chevy full size extended cab truck , 193,000 miles and in great shape . Best vehicle i ever owned and paid for . I can say it is sort of a lust for me .... Love that truck .



My Truck

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