TBD on Ning

Have You Parents Ever Embarrass You ?

Have you lost Gas (Fart) by mistake in public place ?

Have you ever laughed out loud when you didn't mean too ?

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My parents took me to the docks in Milwaukee to see the foreign ships in harbor.  I was in my teens.....probably 15 or 16.  One of the ships happened to be Norweigian .....which is why we were there; my grandmother was from Norway.  It was a Sunday, and most of the crew was shoreside.  But one tall, gorgeous blonde Norweigian sailor was on deck.  He was smiling at me, and I was smiling back.  We started to walk back to the car, but I kept looking back to see if he was still watching (he was).  I wasn't looking where I was going, and I stepped into a bucket on the pier, and couldn't get my foot out of it!  I thought my dad was going to wet his pants laughing at me.  I was so embarrassed I never looked back at the sailor again.  I just wanted that dang bucket off my foot and me off that pier!  I still feel my face flush when I think about it. 

That is a priceless story.  I imagine it was mortifying for you at time, but that it could be a scene out of a classic comedy.  Thanks for the laugh Karin.  

Karin, so funny!  It made me think how great it was to be young and have other young sailors or lifeguards or anybody looking at us---oh the expectations of romance in our heads...to have that feeling again...

I once could not stop laughing during Sunday mass.  I can't tell the story of it because it wouldn't be funny to you.  My daughter had on a hair band.  As I lwas looking forward, she tapped me on the arm and said, "Look, Mommy."  She wanted me to see what she had done with her hair and the hairband, and I can't even explain what it looked like, but it was so unexpected and looked so comical and cracked me up so hard that I honestly could not stop laughing.  Tears coming out of my eyes, snot coming out of my nose--and I was the adult in the group.

I can imagine that happening ....




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