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How would a person Vanish , Disappear from the mainstream of life ?

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It would be difficult unless you had another identity and Social Security Number. I imagine with a different identity you go to a big city change the way you look and dress and your habits (those things will make you easier to find). Find a job that is different from what you've done in the past and start over. When I moved from Michigan to CA after my divorce my husband hired someone who found me thru my Social Security number where I was working, I had gone back to my maiden name. It took him about 6 months before he was stalking me again. I held off as long as I could before I got a CA drivers license. It would have been worth it to find someone who could have gotten me a new identity.

From my understanding a lot of men do it regularly to skip out on child support.

My mother's brother Sam disappeared off the face of the earth in the late 40's.  Her family hired a private detective to try to find him, but no luck.

For insight read the Jack Reacher series.

And thanks for using the words vanished and disappeared.... the over used newer term 'gone missing' irritates the hell out of me....as do 'if you will' (which means nothing), 'at the end of the day'......nevermind, I can feel my blood pressure rising. There are many more overused phrases that irritate me, but it's too early for me to get worked up if you will.

Just sayin'...

You know, I have thought a LOT about this in the past few years BECAUSE I often meet people who know people or places I KNOW that are so far removed from where I am NOW. It has just made me wonder how ANYONE can HIDE!! I have had SO many coincidental meetings...I know I CERTAINLY could NOT hide.....COULD I? Your social security links you to EVERYTHING. You need one NOT only for a JOB but to hook up your electric, cable, or phone. So, WHAT IF you dropped OUT of all this by BEING a roommate? (where the electric is under THEIR name) Working under the table? NOT owning a car? Not using your REAL last name but maybe your middle name as your last name or some random last name? I am sure there are LOTS of people like this. MY boyfriend, being a construction worker and doing remodelling jobs on the side when he was laid off, he told me a lot of stories of people doing this and staying OUT of the public eye, at least in a legal, working sense and staying out of trouble. Through the internet, you can have ANYTHING delivered these days...EVEN a pizza. And as for internet, there's lots of free places...sometimes even your "neighbor" who hasnt secured their password.

If you dont drive and you work under the table, it CAN happen. Cell phones can be bought at Walmart or the gas station and you just buy the minutes. People dont HAVE to truly reveal their online existence. Not really. OK...so I read too many mysteries I have a writer's mind so I hear about local people who "no one has heard from in awhile" so its easy to start thinking up real life scenarios.....LOL!!

it also depends on who it is that is looking for you. some people have more skills than others plus having access to things like social security records etc makes a big difference. there are people who just 'disappear' but a lot of people who do disappear are people who no one bothers to look for.

Well...I know for one thing...I would NOT be able to ever disappear even if I TRIED...LOL! Its like everytime I meet somebody, they have some kind of connection to someone I know and I'm not even counting online people, Facebook, etc. When I lived in Tennessee, I CONSTANTLY would run into people who were either FROM Pittsburgh or had relatives who lived there. NOW that I live in the house my grandparents lived in, I am always running into people who knew them from where I describe where I live. Even my BOYFRIEND had ONCE lived on my street and he is from an area 30 minutes away! (His cousin had lived directly ACROSS the street many years ago and knew both of my grandparents!) So...if i havent given up on disappearing BEFORE, I better do give it up NOW....LOL!!

People buy Social Security cards everyday for a price . May not be real , maybe using some dead persons id . You can get a job . Every thing with it . Illegals do it . I know a couple that paid 2500 for a card . Been working for years . Sending money back to where they come from .

It appears these illegal card holders pay in a lot of money that they get no return on:

"Illegal immigrants are paying taxes to Uncle Sam, experts agree. Just how much  they pay is hard to determine because the federal government doesn't fully tally  it. But the latest figures available indicate it will amount to billions of  dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes this year. One  rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9  billion per year.
Read more:  http://www.azcentral.com/business/articles/2008/04/10/20080410biz-T...


The Illegals that worked where i did . Put down all the dependents that is allowed . Result , paid very little to system . At end of year , they didn't even file . They ran up hospital bills , then would skip back to Mexico . Come back , get new card , name and do it all over . I guess many do pay their share but many don't also ...

What I was referring to was Social Security Taxes which are automatically taken out of each pay check.




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