TBD on Ning

What side of your bed do you get in ?

What side do you end up in ?

Do you leave room for your Husband , Friend ?

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When i was married i got in one left side facing . Mainly because I"M right handed . Now i get in right side facing . Seems more natural since I'm disabled .

My cousin had been married 40 years this year . Don't know which side for him or her . He sleeps in one bed , she sleeps in the other bedroom . Always have ....

Left side (facing) when I go to bed and when I get up. Yes, I leave room for someone.

I am on the right side furthest from the door, my husband needs to be closer to get to the bathroom since he gets up at least twice every night. We have a king size bed so there is enough room for 2 more people at least. (I don't want any more people in there though).

Even though the bed is roomy my husband is a bed hog and a covers hog, I sometimes wake up on the very edge with no sheet or blanket they're all on the other side my husband is splayed out in the middle with his legs pushing me farther. He is always so sorry, he doesn't realize he's doing it while he sleeps.

Only two times ? Shuck i have to get up two , three times an hour . Maybe ya coud put one of those body pillows between ya to keep him on his side ......

When I was married I left room for my wife. It was called the frontroom. It had a nice couch for her to sleep on. She tried to banish me to the couch originally.....it seemed like a stupid idea to me....so I simply explained that I was too tall to sleep on the couch comfortably, but that she was the perfect size to make the couch her bed. I found that marital problems could often be resolved by open and honest communication. 

Right side, ALWAYS the right side (and I dont mean RIGHT as in CORRECT....LOL!) I sleep close to the edge of the mattress, facing the wall. The first time I ever spent the night at my BF, he stated he ONLY likes the LEFT side then he STOPPED and said, "Unless you like the left side more than ME!" We agreed as he is a terribly restless sleeper and I could sleep standing up through a hurricane that if we ever lived together or got married, he would fix up the spare bedroom "just in case" and I think that's an EXCELLENT plan!!

Usually the right side, but on vacation, it usually doesn't matter to me where I sleep I'm so contented.

The best is when my husband leaves for work in the morning and I have the WHOLE bed.  AAH!  I just kind of fill in all over the place.

I'm not partial to one side or another and lots of times I crawl in the bottom of the bed...I have a slider glass door that opens to a patio which is directly across from the bed...spend a lot of time there in the evening...I roll around all over the bed when I'm there...very accomodating with bed partners...not a biggie...not territorial with the bed at all.

I tend to get in on the left hand side of the bed, habit more than anything I think.  Mostly I sleep in the middle but I also tend to sleep on my stomach or left side, but pretty much in the middle.  When entertaining...well wherever I land I guess.  LOL  

thats one of them tricky questions for me .. it seemed if i was alone in my house i'd sleep on the left but if i was at a ladies house for the nite i'd sleep on either the right or the left but i always picked the side by the door and i never knew why .. and then i was told once that its the caveman in me .. seems they would always sleep on the side closest to the entrance so they could protect their mate .or else they'd just have to go out and club another one and break her in all over again .. and you know how hard that is .. i can barely get em broke in now .. and we have dishwashers and electric stoves , cars , and phones ( oh gee what would a woman do without a phone ) and supermarkets , and malls ( a womans place is in the mall ) anyway in some small way i'm either a neanderthal or just sick up and fed of breakin in new women .. so subconsciously no matter where i am .. i always pick the side closest to the door.. or else i can't sleep .. 

see? you shoulda been in boy scouts so you could learn all them knots and shit...that way you could get more sleep...oh well...there's always duck tape...

Well, Frenchy, I hate the phone and the mall....and  I cant be the ONLY one!! When I am in a restaurant, I HAVE to be by a window OR facing the door. It must be the independant woman in me. I always felt a little like I should look out for myself "just in case".




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