TBD on Ning

How long has it been since we've been trying to get the Keystone pipeline built, done all the studies, but as far as the president is concerned we need more time.

8 months ago we lost four Americans in a terrorist attack on out embassy in Benghazi. We were told that we would hunt down and find those who did this but still we have no answers. Who was it that put forth the bull shit idea that this was caused by a video. I guess before we find out, they need more time.

We now have over 70,000 dead in Syria and the president promised us that if the Syrians used chemicals on their population than we would do something The president told us that he's drawn a line in the sand which the Syrians have now crossed and we do nothing because we need more time.

A little over a week ago we had 3 people killed and over 200 injured and instead of calling it what it is the president says we can't rush to judgement because after all we need more time.

Does any of this concern any one else? Why is it when the world said that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and both parties backed Bush but later the Democrats demonized him because they couldn't find the weapons, but now when we and other countries know that Syria is using chemicals and our preasident does nothing, do the same Democrats say nothing? maybe it's just because we need more time.


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MEANWHILE:  Pipeline raises even more health concerns

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Salt you are sort of right. It does take a lot of time, generally about 8 years, to repair the damage left behind when republicans leave office. It took 8 years to make the mess so why do you think it can be cleaned up in less time.

Because actually, repubs believe that Dems are totally awesome and can fix anything the right breaks.

and these are the new republicans...not like the pre-reagan republicans...great example would be eisenhower....he would be termed a rino in the modern republican party...

"Eisenhower was a center-of-the road Republican. He continued many New Deal programs launched by Franklin Roosevelt and oversaw an expansion of Social Security. He oversaw big government investment in everything from infrastructure (notably the Interstate Highway System) to science and technology (such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, which eventually led to the internet, among other things). Eisenhower also oversaw the creation of America's space agency, NASA, a response to the Soviet Union's aggressive space program."

course they would like the fact that In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a measure making "In God We Trust" the national motto, replacing "E Pluribus Unum" ("Out of many, one")...if they actually remembered it and didn't think that our forefathers wrote it into the constitution...and weren't so ignorant they thought the word was fourfathers...which explains their confusion..."how can you have fourfathers if'n you don't b'lieve in divorce and shit?'

Once again the liberal knee jerk reaction to any question is to whine about the Republicans and all the poor poor trouble they inherited. Well it's been 5 years and unemployment under Obama is still higher than any years under Bush. We are still fighting wars in two countries. Our deficit that Obama called unpatriotic Under Bush us now $8 trillion more than when he took office.

The point of the post was that President Obama has a real problem making decisions and defers everything to "we need more time"

Whether you're a liberal or conservative. Democrat or Republican. You have to admit that this country is in a lot of trouble or you can wallow in denial and fall back on it's just all someone elses fault.

As for what happened in Boston as it was at Fort Hood, this president just can't say Islamic Jihadist. Let's just be nice to them and maybe then they'll stop killing us. How's that working for ya??? 



no, we asked what your f'ing answers were.....that's not a kneejerk reaction at all. we just get tired of you whining and pooping your depends with questions we have answered before when you have no answers, only questions which have been gone thru again and again. but as always, when you don't like an answer you ignore it.

as you ignored this one.

1. Once again the liberal knee jerk reaction to any question RIGHT WING EXTREMIST NAME CALLER

2 whine about the Republicans  TEA BAGGER -- ALWAYS WHINING

3 President Obama has a real problem making decisions   HATES BLACKS -- WHITE POWER RACIST

4. Let's just be nice to them and maybe then they'll stop killing us. How's that working for ya??? 


The XL Pipeline will be built, question is where.  

As to Syria, it is spelled with and "I" as in, Iran and Israel, those are the American interest in the Assad regime's downfall.

As to weapons of mass destruction, sure, why not.  It isn't that difficult to make if those are the things you want, really, really want.  You can find everything you need on the Internet starting with the DPRK.

Now as to Boston, the problem is what happened was not sophisticated, not so far linked with a greater plot and involves people already here, no need to look aboard, or not.  The next step is the grand jury, indictment and then plea bargain for life, not death and the swapping of info not gotten in the public safety interrogation before Dzhokar was mirandized.

As far as Benghazi, as far as the media is concerned, move on, nothing to see here, and yes, Hillary is really, really special ask Uncle Joe and/or read her forthcoming campaign auto...er...book that should propel her to 2016, or not.

As far as Saddam is concerned, he is still died.

XL Pipeline vs. Oglalla Aquifer....we might all lose...




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