TBD on Ning

Did you ever meet someone famous you idolized as a kid/teen?

I met " a few" but the most significant was Willie Aames and Michael Stanley. Willie Aames was one of the "sons' in the old sitcom "Eight is Enough"...i was 13 and acted like a tonguetied fool but he was gracious, let my dad take a picture and he kissed me on the cheek. (It was at a car show in Pittsburgh)

Now Michael Stanley, in my opinion, was one of the best rock singers/groups of all time but he was Cleveland based and his fame only stretched across a few local states. After the band's fame died down in the mid 80's, he was host to a locally famous variety show in Cleveland. So, one day in my little Ohio town, I was walking down the street with my 2 little kids. passing by about 5 people and a camera crew and I said out loud (to myself), "OMG, I think that was Michael Stanley". WELL, the man stopped, turned around and said, "Yeah Babe, I'm Michael Stanley, what is YOUR name?"  My name is Mickey Mouse, Cinderella....OMG...what WAS my name???!! LOL!!  It was one of the BEST moments of my LIFE. Looking back, seems kind of silly I was all hyped up about a "movie star" but its one of the things about being YOUNG I guess!! 

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My youngest brush with fame was being in the audience for wrestling matches with the likes of Leaping Larry Shane etc.

the tv studio where they filmed was within walking distance so a few of us from the neighborhood would go on Saturdays and watch them film. Up close it's a lot more phony (or was back then). They filmed several weeks of matches, the other weeks we would watch ourselves on TV. I also got to meet Soupy Sales sort of, he was coming into the studio and made some remarks to us kids as we were leaving.

P.A....I lived not far from Nashville for 21 years (Chattanooga) and I know people often saw Peyton Manning around town. But i think a little known fact is that Reba McIntyre has a mansion in a tiny mountain town near Chattanooga. I lived in that town (Dunlap/Graysville) for about 5 years and my mom STILL lives there, "TECHNICALLY" on the same road as REBA. (Its one of those roads that "changes" names halfway through). I  used to pass her house all the time and one day, she pulled in her driveway and got out to get her mail just as I was approaching. She turned and waved to me for the simple fact that....everyone waves to everyone whether they know them or NOT!! I WOULD have stopped and gave a neighborly "HI" but I had been extrememly ill for days and my appearance probably was pretty scary.....LOL!!

i met the eagles at the capitol theatre in pasaic n.j. back in the early 70's .. this was before most people ever heard of them .. met pure prarie league at waterloo village in jersey back in about 75 .. that was a cool show . it was an event run by rca records and they had a full bar at opposite ends of this big field and a big tent .. these guys were settin up the equipment and doin a sound check so we asked em if they were the band .. i had no idea what they looked like and they said no we're just the roadies .. they seemed cool enough so we poked some smot with em and when it was show time they were the band .. who knew ?? and then the headliner was danny davis and the nashville brass .. a bunch of horns playin some kinda country swing .. well let me tell you .. all these people showed up in evening gowns and tuxedos to see em and then it hit me .. thats why they had the two full bars out there .. they were chuggin martini's left and right .. for a bunch of what appeared to be some pretty rich people they didn't act any better than some of the low down drunks i knew .. not that it was a problem or anything . i just thought they might have been a bit more sophisticated than we were .. nahh .. pretty sloshed they were they were ..   

My daughter would be so jealous.  She is a big fan of that show and loves Jason.  I mean....really LOVES Jason. :-)     Now, why did this post down here, when I was replying to Patricia's post?




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