TBD on Ning

serious vs. silly ?? ever have a problem with either ??

ok most of you in this group know me and if its one thing that you know its that sometimes i'm pretty silly and other times i can be sensitive and serious .. but sometimes i really don't plan it all that well .. sometimes that little imp in me just comes out and i think gee maybe i shouldnta said this or that .. and then i think aww they know i'm just kiddin .. they should know by now .. if i can get someone to smile as opposed to frown i'll try for the smile .. but then sometimes there are some things that really are serious so that calls for my serious side .. but every now and then i'll see humor in things that other people don't .. i'm just wonderin do any of you guys feel like that too from time to time .. you'll say somethin and then think eeeee.. mighta just pissed on somebodys leg there .. not on purpose but its wet just the same .. so am i the only one ?? come on fess up .. 

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 Mostly, in person, I don't have a problem, a smile and a hug can go a long away with words.

I'm not always sure on the net...some folks can be kinda tricky with a sense of humor...I might give a playful nudge here and there but I do sometimes missjudge folks. I know I have a sense of irony that isn't always appreciated...and then I also have some hot buttons that I have a hard time being silly about. I try to not deliberately piss people off too much. I know there is nothing I can say to really change anybody's mind about anything. At our age...we are what we are...so I either avoid or get silly.

I was shocked and surprised when I started out on Eons and sometimes used irony or satire in my responses and many people took things I said literally.  When people are school, they are so immersed in both those things, they are easily recognizable.  I guess the farther removed one gets, the more one forgets.

I get angry with myself when I know I've "pissed on someone's leg" because that's not usually my intent, but sometimes, man, sometimes, I secretly enjoy it. Shhhhh.

I have noticed on occasion some people have interpreted what I said different then I meant... Don't know how that happens?

Mostly I'm looking for humor so I don't get upset easily but I'm sure my weird sense of humor has gotten me into trouble even If I didn't know about it. I don't do much literal and I love sarcasm, don't mind a bit if someone is tweaking me.

oh heck, pissing on someone's leg is part of your charm frenchy... course me ...i don't do that..i am always dead serious...well maybe just serious..or maybe just dead...but i digress...if you can't run around and give wedgies to fools, what's left? and without some humor, life is just too f'ing long..

I enjoy witty repartee, but, Jeeez, some people are so touchy.

Woman to Churchill:  If I were your wife, I would put poison in your tea.

Churchill: If you were my wife, I would drink it!

I would honestly laugh if I were engaged in this conversation.

gotta love some of that stuff...

"You, sir, are drunk!"

"Yes, Madam. I am drunk.. But in the morning, I will be sober. You, however, will still be ugly"

Dorothy Parker answered her phone with:

What Fresh Hell is This?

i LIKE that!!

Being from Jersey myself, I know that an attitude creeps into things I say like NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.  We don't ease into what we say here, we just give it to you, as evidenced by our illustrious governor.

Not from you Frenchy . But i myself do it a lot . I say thing before thinking it out which get's me in trouble from some in here . I don't mean to come across that way . I love posting , always have . Just hope some can overlook my F--K ups . I dislike conflict's and try to stay out of them . My insecurities  cause me to clam up . I hate that . Never been in a fight . Believe in just walking away and let it go . Some people can't do that ..... 




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