My guess is rhat most of the people existed and most likely the they lived where the bible says.....all of their exploits might not be as creditable.....they probably used alot of stunt doubles.
I thought the Bible was vetted by somebody....oh yeah...god. So you know it all has to be true. Stunt doubles? Hmmm...never thought about that.
You mean that those places didn't exist ? The lands that the Ark was to have landed on ? Even if you don't believe in the Bible those lands should have existed ...People lived somewhere ....
I think one of my hundred times removed cousins was a double back then. And yes, I do believe in the bible.
Most of those Double might have been the persecutors of believers ...
I take some of what the Old Testament says with a grain of salt. I know, however, that history records that the kings of Israel and the surrounding lands did exist.....Solomon, David, King Nebuchadnezzar, to name a few. I don't think we can believe in every word as it's written, simply because stories get passed from one generation to the next, and things get embellished and altered with the retelling.
There is documented proof, however, that Jesus of Nazareth did, indeed, exist.....and he preached.....and he was crucified. Whether one believes he is the Son of God, is up to the individual. I happen to believe in the New Testament. But I'm not going to defend my postition. I've learned the hard way when to shut up.
I believe some of the history is true and some of the people existed and yes there is a Bethleham and Jerusalam I also believe a lot of the cruelty and wars really happened, I don't believe that what is written in the document is the word of God, it's all written by man.
The rivers named in the creation story are the rivers in Iraq. There is a Mt. Ararat and a Red Sea and there was a King David. Bethlehem and Nazareth and Egypt are all real places. Jesus is historical as were Peter and Paul. I believe they existed, but I do not believe in the Bible as the word of God--it's just filled with stories about life and how to live.
As i was taught Old Testament was to learn from . New Testament was to live by . For me i feel it's better to believe that Christ died for our sin's and his word and die to and find out it was all a lie than non believe and find out it wasn't necessary to believe and be sent to the gut of hell . It's everyone's choice to believe or not . I just wished more believed ....
Some of the figures, places, and events correspond with history. As for the happenings, they leave one with some mysteries, for example if God made us in his image ... why aren't we invisible, too?
In Strong's Exhaustive Concordance "image" is translated as shade or shadow - I forget which, one or the other. Either way, it lends a whole new meaning to the plan. There are so many of those differing translations in that book.
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