TBD on Ning

"We can be and are people of faith, there's no doubt about that"   "However, we are not a religious party. And we need to understand that America's not looking for a religious party." Michael Steele

Who were those candidates in the GOP Primary last year?

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Wonder when the church architect realized, "Wait a second- I just built me a giant chicken."

Cluck, cluck, cluck.  I suppose religious parties might be found farther abroad than the Middle East.

Folks, this is a matter of beliefs, both having them or not having them.  And then there is the issue of imposing beliefs on those that don't agree or want those beliefs for themselves.

And yes, some believe politics is a religion, a holy one at that.  And others, probably the majority, view politics and political parties as less than holy, secular and tainted with the worse corruption of the human species.

So, what to say about a religious party?  Probably all of the above, believe it or not.

All religious parties are held in the church basement...

Hosted by the Ladies' Aide, serving open faced sandwiches, potato salad and jello.

In the South you must have fried chicken also.

Would you call me a hypocrite if I went to the picnic just for the fried chicken? Hold the dogma?

Have it your way...   :)

I did that from the time I was 10 years old until I was grown and on my own. Nobody ever ask me to leave.

we seem to already have a religious party....

North Dakota governor approves 6-week abortion ban

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed legislation Tuesday that that would make North Dakota the nation's most restrictive state on abortion rights, banning the procedure if a fetal heartbeat can be detected — something that can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

The Republican governor also signed into law another measure that would makes North Dakota the first to ban abortions based on genetic defects such as Down syndrome, and a measure that requires a doctor who performs abortions to be a physician with hospital-admitting privileges.

The measures, which would take effect Aug. 1, are fueled in part by an attempt to close the state's sole abortion clinic in Fargo. Dalrymple, in a statement, said the so-called fetal heartbeat bill is a direct challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion up until a fetus is considered viable, usually at 22 to 24 weeks.


You the hell would vote for a man Dalrymle. Sounds like a furener to me.




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