TBD on Ning

ohhh so now it is ideologically different...not like when it is other people...

GOP senator reverses gay-marriage stance after son comes out

Sen. Rob Portman (Charles Dharapak/AP)Sen. Rob Portman (Charles Dharapak/AP)
A prominent conservative senator said on Thursday that he now supports gay marriage.

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, told reporters from the Columbus Dispatch and other Ohio newspapers that his change of heart on the hot-button issue came two years after his son, Will, told him and his wife that he is gay.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have—to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.


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If it took that little fact for him to see the "problem", he should not be in government; he's not very intelligent.

Same thing as Chancy...!

No different.

Dad's Love Letter to Gay Teenage Son Goes Viral

The much praised letter, from FCKH8.com via Facebook.The much praised letter, from FCKH8.com via Facebook.A letter written from a dad to his gay son Nate is going viral on the Internet because of its simple, hopeful message of love.

More from Shine: What I Will Do if My Son is Gay

“I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to come out to me,” it reads. “The only thing I need you to plan is to bring home OJ and bread after class. We are out, like you now. I’ve known you were gay since you were six, I’ve loved you since you were born.”

He signs it “Dad” and finishes with a post script: “Your mom and I think you and Mike make a cute couple.”

..sure now ALL of the repubs wil want gay kids.


,,,that would be great but don't hold your breath.

I wont. Many more gay kids are stil rejected by their familys than acepted. Throw Away Kids. We have made some progress over the yaers but all to often wen kids come uot to their parents they are kicked uot or treeted so badly that they run away. This is even more likely if the child is targeted as LGBT at school and getting their asses kicked or are being sexualy assulted...ben there done that.

In the 1970's we began Gay Yuoth and other organizatoins to help uor own.




They may not all be gay but are all kids.  I don't understand hate.

Clearly ANY child on the street is in crisis and needs help imedintly. I was refering to LGBT kids specificly as the rejectoin that they often experience within their familys and at school have led to the staggering number of LGBT homeless children.

Sen. Portman, Chaney and All Familys of LGBT children who stand by thier children shuold be the norm but it is not. The same hate and rejectoin that exists in general society exists in individule familys.

I am glad that Sen. Portman grew and came to a diferent realization reguarding his politics- I Celibrate his commitment to LOVE HIS SON.     

I have to commend Rob Portman for changing his view, but with some of those on the right, they have to have something to hit home before they understand reality. A lot of those on the right who keep opposing Obama's social issues don't live in the real world. It looks like it may take something drastic to happen in their own lives before they can truly understand why most people are for gay marriage, gun control, etc.




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