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What Walt Disney TV series premiered on December 15, 1954?

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Pedro, Jesus, Ferdinand, and Joaquin. 


Well, he didn't say whose side and there were like 3000 Mexican soldiers. Seems likely to me.

Colonel William Barret Travis, Jim  Bowie. Colonel James C. Neill,Davy Crockett  and Juan, Pancho and Jesus hahaha.

Yes a lot of Juan's, Pancho's and Jesus' did die. You also got for of the Texacans which what I was looking for. Your turn.

Now I don't know 'bout Col. Crockett. There are a lot of malicious rumors going round that he was transported back to Old Mexico. 

Researchers have discovered the grave of a male warrior laid to rest with gold jewelry, iron chain mail and numerous weapons, including a 36 inch (91 centimeters) iron sword set between his legs dating 2200 yrs. ago. Where was he buried?   

I think the consensus is that he was captured and executed after the battle.

But WHERE was he found???  Or are you still talking about Col. Crockett??

I was talking about Davy.

downtown San Antonino...lol

Sorry P.A. Here's an excerpt from Wiki:

An hour after the initial attack, Davy Crockett stands alone, still proudly and tenaciously defending his diminished position. A frightful gash angles across his forehead. Holding the barrel of his shattered rifle in his right hand and a Bowie knife dripping with blood in his left, Crockett faces his attackers with the courage of a lion. Twenty dead or dying Mexicans lie beneath his buckskin-clad feet.

The man from Tennessee crouches, daring his attackers to take him. As they move in for the kill, Davy swings wildly until he finally falls, fighting like a tiger until his last dying breath. The fight is over. He died at the Alamo  redhand. see?




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