TBD on Ning

As a once contented white male I miss the "good old days". I think PBS should tell the rest of the story and give some credit to the other women who made America great. The women who baked. I think they should do a tribute to Julia Child, Mary Hostess, Sally Ding-Dong, Donna Ho-Ho (or Ho as we affectionately called her). Without these women it would not be possible to have men like me. I miss the 'get the rolls in the oven and your buns in bed" days. Nothing said lovin like something from the oven......women were content and men were kings........sure some women might have spent their days drinking.....but it was probably because they missed their men.

I miss those caring women who made this Country great.....type 2 diabetes is a small price to pay for all that caring.

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Julia Childs was Brirish.  I am a really good cook but can't find a lot of the ingredients up here.  To make a good ettoufee (SP) ((I'm an accountant, not a speller)) you gatta have crawfish.  Up here they look at you like you are nuts. Chow chow, they have never heard of, koloches, nope.   I need to move....

I'm not into sweets so I never learned to bake. I do like to cook but leave the baking to others. Give me real food any day, not that stuff from a batter or a mixing bowl.

yaknow  123 you have a way of lookin at the world that is just sooooo chauvinistic .. but it just kills me sometimes .. i love women who drink a little sometimes too .. and they don't even have to put their buns in the oven .. 

Sometimes I think that the times might have passed me by frenchy.

It might surprise you to know that sometimes women take exception to the things I say.........I think it's often because they are confused........they probably took the saying "if it's too hot for you get, out of the kitchen" too literally.

I'm going to get lambasted for saying this but I think women should act more like...well women. If a man holds the door open for me I appreciate it and tell them so.  Up here women get offended.  I like little things done for me by men.

I'm all about little things.

And I'd like to get lambasted...

lambasted you say ?? is that where they put that mint julup stuff all over you ?? i'd like to see that too .. but then i'm way too easy .. cheep too .. 

That sounds interesting, might have to try it.

if you do could you take pics ?? cause i'd like to see you try it .. 




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