TBD on Ning

It appears that sequestration is a reality that wasn't suppose to be.  And the question now is how long will it last, who will end it and how that will be done.

And it might last longer then variations of Harlem Shake videos, maybe even longer than gangnam style or even beyond March Madness.

Whatever is going to happen is that the legislative possibilities will continue to demonstrate that nothing is something when nothing is what can be done, say, on the continuing resolution and the coming debt ceiling crisis.  

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By: Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle , February 26, 2013

Well, we can skip the continuing resolution crisis in that there is an agreement to do more road construction and kick the can down it.  And it appears that the same will apply to the debt ceiling.  

Now on to gun and immigration legislation, or not.

The GOP seems to be OK on gay marriage now.  How will the rightie-tighties handle that one?

By uniting their knotted panties...lol

The simple truth that the left can't seem to wrap their minds around id that the president came up with the idea. Then he said it would never happen. Then he said there would be long lines at airports, children would go hungry, the seas would stop rising, but they were all lies. The left still believes the shit coming out of the white house. The great uninformed.

What is the simple truth is that the right agreed to it. The president thought there was enough common sense in congress to make changes before it kicked in. He should have known better than to think republicans had any common sense.

Now they are ticked off at only one thing. The stopping of White House tours because their donors may want to visit. They don't give a crap about anyone else.

Gerrymandering! Thank you Eldbridge.

More then  gerrymandering.  They wouldn't have the House if it were not cheating, lying, and stealing votes.  Now comes the Conservative Court to replace our representative democracy with Fascist plutocracy, a Dictatorship by poll tax and gerrymandering.  

funny thing how the right believes in democracy yet doesn't believe in the public...the great uninformed? sounds kinda like a republican convention

Sounds like?  Did you see last years Republican Primary; Bachman, Perry, Santorum, Cain, etc.?  Have you ever seen anyone less informed, except possibly the dummies that vote for them?

Ut Oh.....looks like the Repubs have got a Filibuster going on..........

why would that be any different than what they have pretty much done for the last 4 years?




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