TBD on Ning

It appears that sequestration is a reality that wasn't suppose to be.  And the question now is how long will it last, who will end it and how that will be done.

And it might last longer then variations of Harlem Shake videos, maybe even longer than gangnam style or even beyond March Madness.

Whatever is going to happen is that the legislative possibilities will continue to demonstrate that nothing is something when nothing is what can be done, say, on the continuing resolution and the coming debt ceiling crisis.  

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It would be good if it represented the end of the world for many politicians, but I doubt it will.

Oh, and exidir, I'm glad that you didn't use the word "dance" with Harlem Shake or gangnem style, because I admire artistic dancing, and, in my book, the words "spasm" or "spastic" is more descriptive.

and if you want to know WHY it is occurring...here is a piece from an elected rep from texas....in other words..."we might have been acting like we would strike agreements but we weren't ever going to agree to anything..."

Let ‘sequester’ shrink Washington, grow jobs

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Posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 10:46 pm

Washington’s dangerous deficits and debt are dragging America’s economy down. The sooner we get our government’s financial house in order, the sooner we get more people back to work.

The federal government has exploded in size under President Obama, forcing America to borrow trillions of dollars from China and other nations. While most families and businesses have tightened their belts these past years, many Washington agencies have more money to spend that ever.

Starting Friday, the federal budget will start to shrink by $85 billion this year and $1.2 trillion over the coming decade. It sounds like a lot, but it’s not. It’s the same as forcing a 500-pound person to lose 10 pounds.

Though the amount is modest, the spending cuts are real and they are immediate. They begin to put Washington back on the path to a balanced budget. And in two key parts of the budget, they shrink the size of the federal government to about its size in 2008 — before the massive stimulus spending binge.

These savings are important to the economy. We know that as Washington grows, jobs along Main Street shrink. These pro-growth savings let businesses know that Washington is finally taking real steps to address its spending addiction.


It is amazing how seeing things ass backwards seems to be so common among elected republicans.

and if you notice,  they do a lot of picking and choosing among the facts (kinda like their interpretations of the bible). add to that that when the facts are in the way they totally ignore the facts or somehow spin them...example...kevin brady failing to mention that the 'explosion' of the federal debt has been occurring for generations (all the way back to st ronnie and starwars as an example) and that part of the impetus for the growth was the salvaging of the entire financial structure as it tottered upon collapsing mountains of drerivatives and bad investments from banks and other institutions (or would he rather be paying his staff with chickens?) now combine that with the worst recession since the great depression..should obama have been a hoover and let the country fall further? (and by the by, much of the financial bailouts was begun under the previous administration)...which brings to mind the question...why are so many of a certain group fucking halfwits?

oh and that picture of brady that appears as tho he is looking off into the future? he is actually trying to remember if he wiped..

It's all on how your perceive the world...

Obama, after being asked why he had not been able to push the Republicans in negotiating, said: "I am not a dictator. I'm the president." He could not force them to sit down in a room to do a deal, he said. "So ultimately if Mitch McConnell or John Boehner say 'We need to go catch a plane,' I can't have secret service block the doorway."

 "I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom that's been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that I'm being reasonable, that most people agree I'm presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don't take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince them to do what's right." More

Shame on the lawmakers trying to slash nutrition programs when they are needed most—and pretending the increased use of programs is the result of fraud.  

Not to be correcting the President but there is no such thing as a Jedi mind meld. Jedi can read minds and play tricks on others minds but they don't do mind melds. Mind melds are a power that Vulcans in the Star Trek universe have. Mr. Spock being the main practioner of it. In a mind meld two minds become one. Knowledge, emotions, memories and everything else are shared between two minds. The president does not ever want to do a mind meld with a republican. He could become as dumb as they are. A Jedi mind trick would be his best bet.
How is that for proving I am a nerd?

PA.......it could be Vulcans at some point in their history did encounter the Jedi....and after several of them....Vulcans and Jedi....mated with each other the Jedi mind meld became real.....lol. Never underestimate the vast universe.....lol.

You're a Nerd but you are my kind of Nerd LO ...




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