TBD on Ning


The chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology said today that the committee would hold hearings next week “to settle the question, once and for all, of whether meteors exist.”

Read more here .

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What does he think that was in Russia last week?

Fireworks and Vodka.

As for the scientific theory that meteors may have killed the dinosaurs, Rep. Smith chuckled, “That theory would also have us believe that there were dinosaurs.”

Very smart person...?
Where do they find these guys?


Remind me to stay out of Texas.

texas logic.....

i had a woman explain to me yesterday that the reason she is against background checks to be able to own a gun is because it would prevent lawabiding citizens from exercising their second amendment rights...and she also told me that they shouldn't be barring convicted criminals from having guns cause they have served their time and paid their debt to society.....when i asked her about repeat offenders, she mentioned they should be executed cause if they were convicted of a crime they shouldn't be out of prison anyway...(my head hurts...does yours?)

Is there some kind of stupidity contest going on within the Republican Party?  Lamar Smith might have some competition, but he is surely right up there with the leaders.

Exploring the minds of Holocaust deniers and UFO-spotters who deny common sense

Journalist Will Storr's new book explores the mindset of a former Holocaust denier, a creationist, and UFO-spotters, and questions why for some people 'facts don't work'.

Will Storr is a man who deals in facts. As a journalist of more than 10 years, undeniable evidence and rational data are his bread and butter.

There are groups of people, however, who deny the irrefutable; who see cold, hard facts as mistruths or simply inconvenient.

Whether they are Holocaust deniers, creationists, or those who believe in UFOs - there are plenty out there whose view of the world defies centuries of scientific evidence.

So why are there intelligent, seemingly rational people like this, who are capable of such unreasonable logic?

The question is the subject of Storr's new book, which explores the 'beliefs of non-believers'. Put simply, he wants to know why 'facts don't work'.

He takes a tour of a Nazi death camp, goes on a UFO-spotting trip, and even a fossil excavation with a renowned creationist, all in the name of investigating outlandish belief systems.


Along those same lines there also is, Why People believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer.  Shermer also writes the excellent Skeptic Column for Scientific American magazine.  

Like the Flat Earth Society...?




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