TBD on Ning

I've been spending most of my winter 'escape from Wisconsin' in Las Vegas. Here in Sin city I have done my part in supporting single moms by frequenting strip clubs and availing myself to the services of ladies of the night. I've started to reflect on my behaviors and I'm thinking of changing my ways.........money has no place in relationships.......o.k., so it might have a place......but I'm on a fixed income. I'm thinking about concentrating on consensual relationships........but I'm having difficulty in figuring out how to con women into sensual acts. Any suggestions? I know liquor and drugs work but they seem kind of devious. I figure it's never too late to work on self improvement.  

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Fickle creatures ya'll are!! 

I have heard that proposing marriage works well in obtaining consensual sex. There is the problem of them saying yes, but you travel a lot so should be able to out maneuver those ladies. I am glad to see you are again on the road to self improvement.

Ummm, he did that a couple of times and now they are missing....

Perverted improvement hmmm let me think about this one, I don't want to make any suggestions that would put me in the pimp category.

Now wait a minute.  I thought just men could be pimps...

hey! equal opportunities here....lifesighs can be a pimpette if she so chooses...we can aspire to be whatever we want...cept taller...or better looking..(unless you have money and a good surgeon)

dancin .. or sex ?? dancin .. or sex ?? dancin ..or sex ?? what to do?? what to do ? i'm soooooo confused .. ehh who am i bullshittin here .. no i'm not .. i'll take the sex .. its the day after valentines day so i'm probably safe now .. i'll take the sex .. 

Dancin' or sex.  C'mon.  What is wrong with "you people."  Lol.

Both, ok.  BOTH.  One leads to the other.  But if I had a choice....

Wait.  Sex with who?  That could make the choice a bit harder.

Seriously, my first husband would not dance with me. I told him I would be more upset if I caught him dancing with someone else than I would be if I caught him having sex with someone else. So, one night after we divorced, I saw him at singles dance dancing up a storm.  I left the floor, called his house and left a message about what a lousy em effer he was.  If he had danced with me, maybe we'd still have been married.  Yada yada yada.  It wasn't the not dancing so much as a lack of willingness to please me in a way that I needed very much.  I LOVE dancing, you see.  I mean, I LOVE it.




Beautiful day here.  I just came in from a nice walk with my dawg.  Spring is in the air.

the deal there is that, even if he DIDN'T like to dance, in a relationship we sometimes do things we wouldn't choose to do if it was just us....like watching that silly movie for the 86th time (and that can go for either party in the relationship whether it seems like a silly chick flick or another watching of some dumbass macho movie)...sometimes you do stuff cause your partner LIKES it and you like your partner...ergo you do stuff

Exactly, Problem.

i'm a bad boy sometimes cresty .. i'm sure i'd make an exception and dance with you tho .. believe it or not when i was younger i could cut up a rug .. but not so much now .. all the parts just don't have the oil that they used to .. probably cause i save all the oil for .. SEX... i know .. i know .. bad frenchy .. go to your room .. 




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