TBD on Ning

well you probably know my dog died a few weeks ago and my other dog has been pretty much broken hearted too .. so a couple of days ago i got another dog .. for my other dog .. he's still a puppy . his name is rosco .. and he's a real sparkplug .. just goes and goes .. but he's got a good personality for a dog .. my only question is .. so what kinda dog is this anyway ?? anybody have any idea's please let me know .. of course we can only guess .. 

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i've got a little one here that looks like roscoe..i call him buddy or junior..he is like a smaller version ..maybe about 20 pounds but active and fun...loves to run and also likes to cuddle when he gets the chance...i should see if i can get any pictures of him ...some dogs are hard to get pics cause all you ever get is the butt as they fly by

man don't i know that amond .. i had a devil of a time gettin these pics of rosco ..he don't slow down for nothin but food .. 

At least he eats!  Mine is the world's most stubborn dog!  He'll eat birdseed the dang bird drops on the floor......and he'll eat edamame beans.....but will he eat dog food??  No.  Oh, he'll eat a new food for about a week.....and then he quits.  He will go three days without eating.  My son got him to eat dry dogfood while I was up home for Christmas, but now he won't even go over and sniff it.  He has picked at it on two nights recently, but never cleaned the bowl.....and there wasn't even much in the bowl to begin with!  He drives me crazy.  I've thrown away more food than I can afford to.  I'm at a loss as to what to do to get him to eat.  I wish I had a dog for him to play with.  I'm sure he'd eat better, too.  But I live with my son and his wife, and his wife is Thai, and she was raised to believe dogs belong outside.  She cringes every time he walks past her.  If it were just me and Dave....he'd be ok with another dog.  But such is life.  My Rocky looks a little like  your dog.  His tail curls up like that, too.  And he has what my son calls "Pop-top ears".  His hair is a tad longer than Rosco's....but not as long as your other dog.  And his color is black and tan.  He topped out at 35 lbs, though, so yours will be bigger. 

how old is your dog karin ?? i know they can get a bit finicky at times but that shouldn't last too long .. not tryin to worry you cause it could be nothin but he don't like the food you picked out .. sometimes you have to keep tryin till you find the brand they'll like . but eventually you will .. 

He's an old feller, French.  He's almost 12-1/2.  He's always been finicky, but it seems he's worse now than before.  I've tried maybe 20 different foods and combinations thereof.  It's always the same; he eats it really well for the first week.....then he stops.  He'll go over....sniff it.....and walk away.  I was mixing a can of food with his dry before I went up north, but while I was gone, my son was mixing his dry with a little warm water and he was eating it just fine.  I came home, and he quit.  I even asked my son exactly what proportion of water to food he was giving him, and was doing everything just like my son did.....and I was throwing away bowls full of food every day.  He'd let them sit and get disgusting.  I don't feed him lots of snacks and he doesn't get people food, so he should be starving. My son says, "Don't worry, Ma, when he gets hungry enough, he'll eat".  And the vet recently said he hadn't lost any appreciable weight.  But it drives me up a wall when he won't eat.  He seems to have energy, and he loves his daily walk.  But food is an issue.   

He looks really good for 12 1/2, my dogs will never eat dog food if I don't have starter food on top. I usually have a little chicken or beef & rice (I make it for this purpose) I put about 1/4 cup of starter food on the dog food and they chow it down.

Left over soup or stew works just as well. I can also mix some good quality canned food with the dry stuff but only about once a month. My dogs are fussy. Since the canned stuff is so expensive now it's easier to by a Costco roasted chicken for $5. (3lbs) that will last a whole week or longer for starter food.

Some vets recommend a little canned pumpkin, My pets have been 50/50 on that, some love it and some won't touch it.


he is a nice lookin dog .. but up around 12 and a half is like 90 in dog years so try and see he eats somethin .. your son is right he won't starve himself .. unless he's sick .. and sometimes its nothin serious and other times .. its just old age and you can't do a thing about that .. just love em while you can .. 

Nice looking dog there Karin

i've got one like that....he's likely the senior dog around here but he just refuses to eat....unless he has cottage cheese on his dry food...spoiled brat...

He is defiantly a good looking pup.  I love animals, I wish I could have a dog, but living in the city is tough on a pouch and my apartment building doesn't allow dogs anyway.  Maybe when I retire and move to a more animal friendly spot.  Don't know enough about breeds to have a clue of where your fella came from Frenchy.  But mutts are the best, and usually live long healthy lives with a little love and attention.  Sorry about the lose of your other canine companion   It is very hard to lose a friend and a member of your family.  I lost my two cats last year, one a few months after the other...I still miss them.  




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