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"Protect myself against my government."  

So, what could go wrong?

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In the next day or so news of how drone strikes were authorized and justified will come in to view as the confirmation hearing of John Brennan happens on Thursday.  

In the meantime, presidential press secretary Jay Carney had a particularly bad day yesterday explaining the administration's justification of using drones in targeted killings, most notably on an American citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.  

The issue is the Justice Department's memo that provides the legal status of the policy and its continuation as used by the president.

This issue may consume a lot of oxygen for the nominations of both Brennan and Hagel and prove to be a sharp contrast as to what is wanted on gun control vs. free range killing of threats to American security.

What percentage of people in this country actually believe that? I would just offer a guess of less than 10%. Why does such a small number get so much press. I say give them what they ask for. Round them up and send them to Guantanamo.

Is not a gun-nut threatening us with a 2nd Amendment resolution and/or revolution every time they lose an election as much a traitor and/ or terrorist as Al Qaeda?  

Round them up and send them a drone.

Yes they are.

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"We believe in democracy except when we lose cause then we just know it was a conspiracy. and we are 100 per cent true blue patriots who don't trust the government"

Drones and hi-tech weaponry....As a kid, reading Amazing Comics and science fiction books, I never expected to live long enough to see those things become everyday weapons in modern warfare, much less questions of whether it is morally right to use such weapons to kill U. S. citizens in Yemen who are waging war against “their” country. What would Truman or Eisenhower do?

They used the Atomic Bomb.  Like then, many may have reason to disagree today but the other court has lot's of reasons to proceed too.  Maybe this question should go to a higher court...

Truman did and Eisenhower did not, use the bomb.  

However, Eisenhower did use the threat of the bomb in the John Foster Dulles communist contain strategy that sent us into the depths of the Cold War and MAD which in the end turned out to be the winning strategy to end communism over twenty years ago. 

Now, we are the only superpower left with a military used all over the world as a bargaining chip and an insurance gimmick to be used in both hot and maybe hot areas of the world to get our way or help someone else get their way that we support.  

And yes, extralegal activities are a part of that strategy and policy to say don't' mess with us, or pay the price, if we can find you, target you and kill you. 

And along the way we find ourselves...no, we didn’t FIND ourselves... we involved ourselves in war after war and other foreign entanglements with enormous costs in lives and money.  Teddy Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick” but we seem to have found it necessary to wield the big stick with great frequency.

And yet, many would have to ask, if not us, who?  

Much of what involves us, America, in the world and world events is because of the vacuum that is otherwise created to promote a secure and peaceful world.  A commitment in part started by Teddy and big time with his cousin, to fight fascism and Japanese imperialism.  And once, in...

Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in -- Mike Corleone, Godfather




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