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I love to read, especially about history. It was a favorite class of mine all through school. I also read a lot of crime novels, true crime etc. Are you a reader? What kind of books do you enjoy the most?

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you can do a search for free ebooks, free ebook downloads etc...there's tons of sites

I bought a Nook for my Mom...birthday gift. She loves it...she thought she would miss the feel of the book...but she doesn't...loves the light weight, the page lights..the downloading. We have a library cooperative so lots of choices...she seldom goes to the library anymore.

I read my parent's paperbooks for pleasure at an early age... mostly mysteries...I was reading Perry Mason and Shell Scott and Travis McGee when I was 6 and then Mom thought maybe Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys would be more approriate for my age. I discovered Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes shortly after. Lots of the current genre as well over the years. There are a group of Florida Writers I highly recommend for the mystery and the demented humor...Randy White, Carl Hiassen, and Dave Barry. Helps to have a whacked sense of humor but you will laugh so hard at the characters and story lines.

I know....smile

Are you familiar with Karl Hiassen's young adult fiction?...makes a kid and me laugh out loud. Both have an environmental theme but that's about as serious as they get.

When and where might we find a copy Cal? 

You are beautiful, Callie!

Yes indeed!

Yes she is!

I am a pretty avid reader.  Lately I have been off my game, can't seem to find a book to capture my attention.  I read all sorts of stuff, historical novels, classics, mystery and suspense, fantasy, science fiction, not a big fan of biographys but have been known to finish a few of them.  Been reading since I was a little girl and discovered A A Milne.  My mother was the one who taught me to follow authors.  Read all of Uris, and most of Michner, Tolkien.  Went through my british phase and Oprahs picks, and have way too many books, but I do love them.  Found some more contemporary authors that I enjoy like Delores Stewart Ricco and her ladies making mischief series.  Loved Kate Morton's The Forgotten Garden, bought her latest release but haven't opened the cover yet.  Prodigal Summer is still one of my favorites by Barbara Kingsolver and read most of what she has written, but again bought her latest release that is now in paperback and have been unable to get past the first couple of chapters.    My boy pall bought me a Kindle Fire for Christmas, but I haven't activated it yet.  Once I do Callie, I will look for your book and it will be my first e-book purchase, assuming I can figure out how to do it.  LOL




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