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What Walt Disney TV series premiered on December 15, 1954?

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No, Jefferson was the author of most of the Declaration but the official copy that is in the National Archives was made by a professional calligrapher. What was his name?

'Fraid I've drawn a blank on this one.

Ben Franklin is the name I believe your looking for...

He did like to calli.

Again I have asked a question that I my be the only person who knows the answer. His name was Timothy Matlack. It took him almost a month after the Declaration was approved to produce the final document. The official copy was not signed until mid August of 1776.
Another question. What Aztec god was Hernan Cortes thought to be when he first arrived in Mexico?


Right, supposedly he had taught the Aztecs many things and then left into the rising sun. He had a beard and shined like the sun. Cortes shows up from the East, on clouds that move on the sea, with a beard and shiny armor so what were they to believe?
Your turn Marianne.

Which of the following ships did not carry settlers to Jamestown?
1. Susan Constant
2. Discovery
3. Pinta
4. Godspeed

The Pinta, it was the smallest of Columbus' three ships.

Correct P.A. Back to you.

Which Spanish explore's body was "buried" by having his body thrown into the Mississippi River and why did they do that?




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