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Bill O'Reilly: Asians Aren't 'By Nature' Liberal (Video)

Bill O'Reilly has once again demonstrated his mastery of race relations. O'Reilly, who opined in November that black and Hispanic voters cast their ballots for President Obama because they "want stuff" from the government, took a crack at explaining the nature of Asian people -- and somehow found room in his mouth for the other foot -- during Wednesday night's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor" on the Fox News Channel. Also read: "It's Not a Traditional America Anymore... The White Establishment ... Speaking with Fox News producer Jesse Watters about the social ills facing Hawaii -- homelessness, addiction, debt -- O'Reilly marveled at how the state could face such woes, given its large Asian population. After suggesting that Hawaii's problems are due to lax drug-law enforcement, O'Reilly let drop with this little gem:

"But you know what's shocking? Thirty-five percent of the Hawaiian population is Asian, and Asian people are not liberal, you know, by nature. They're more industrious and hard-working."

We'll let Asians and liberals fight it out over who should be more offended by O'Reilly's generalization. In the meantime, watch Professor Bill break it all down for everyone in the video.


geeeeeeee.....guess it never dawned on him that the recession is a MAJOR factor in a tourist destination....that the high home prices in hawaii (like a halfmillion for a fixer-upper) could have an effect on that...that many of the homeless come from elsewhere...in fact some are put on the plane with a one way ticket from other places , kind of like an upgrade from the "put them on the greyhound to florida" that still happens..that the drug laws ARE enforced and yes there are drug problems there but there are drug problems everywhere.....that how do california liberals come into a discussion of hawaii?...and as to asians being more conservative or liberal ? what the f? in the genes?  he is blowing smoke out his ass....hawaii also requires health insurance for employees...and it was all those asian state reps and senators who voted for that...they also have voted for alternative energy ...for public beaches......in fsact o'reilly and his little buddy are trhe very types of persons that residents of hawaii shake their heads over as they listen to "back in the states" and "do you speak english?"

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Bill is full of bull.

Hawaii has been our Pacific outpost from almost 200 years even though there was a both a kingdom and then a republic before Hawaii became a territory.  Hawaii is far from its indigenous roots as it was "discovered" by a British captain and became a part of the Pacific trade and whaling route.  

What we see today is yet different again as Hawaii has to sell itself as a location to use as a bit of paradise, more or less.  And it has been a paradise, to Asia and Asians, and is a reverse window on the US by Japanese and Chinese.  As to paradise to those that live and work on the islands, well, it is expensive, crowded and limited as to opportunity.   And maybe that is what O'Reilly's point was, or maybe should have been.  Can a place like Hawaii be paradise when there is so much that makes living there a struggle to be and obtain the life style of island living for those that live there.

In some sense, Hawaii is isolated and make believe, a destination where the natives put on a show while still living on the reservation.

bullshit......you don't have a clue what you are talking about

" black and Hispanic voters cast their ballots for President Obama because they "want stuff" from the government"

Hey! I must be doing something wrong. I've been black for the past 63 years and I have never got any thing from the government, except a draft card and some tax bills. Now where is my "stuff". What have I been missing. No one ever told me about this program.

I vote for Obama because he was not a Republican. Is it to late to retract my vote?  ;-)

What is Bill O'Reilly's email address. May be he can help me out. . . .  Wow, I feel so dumb.


you can also get in touch with him at Bigots R Us...or thru Pat Buchanan....

I year ya. I've been black for 66 years and never asked for stuff...lol. My father had 9 brothers and sisters...my aunst and uncle...my mother had 7 brothers and sisters....my aunts and uncles. They all worked. None that I know of were on welfare. I have lots and lots of cousins...none that I know of were ever on welfare. I was raised to worked hard and hard work would lead to good things.

O'Reilly often talks about his good days of growing up in Levittown. Those who live on the east coast around Philly, New Jersey and New York should know of Levittown. Well, when I think of Levittown, I remember crosses being burned on the lawns of black families who moved into Levittown and eventually left because of the racism that existed there........and there's documented proof of what was going on...videos tapes of people being interviewed and what they thought about black families moving into Levittown. Many of the responses are shocking. So as far as Bill O' Reilly is concerned.....he's a clown to me. A funny ass clown....lol.




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