TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16238

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END OF THE WORLD ~ 21-12-2012


5:00 am - Wake up of the world's population by the sound of sirens and bells
6.00 am - Arrival of the Maya
7.00 am - Arrival of extraterrestrials
8.00 am - Arrival of the Presidents of the G8 states
9:00 am - Arrival of Saints, Martyrs, etc.. etc.. etc..
10.00 am - Anthem for the end of the world "Highway to hell" for everyone, and then one to choose from the various countries: for Germany, "Adieu mein kleiner Gardeoffizier"; for Italy is planned “Nel blu dipinto di blu“ "In the blue painted blue" subject of by the Vatican
10.30 am - the word to Papa Joe
11.45 - Apocalypse Brunch
13.00 - General Assembly of the UN
15.00 - A Minute of Silence
15:05 - beginning of the public ceremony
17.00 - Buffet opens
18.00 - Departure of the Maya
19.00 - Fireworks, to be followed by football match Brazil vs rest of the world
21.00 - Archangels and Angels departure
22.00 - Closing ceremony; Afterhours, open bar, free drinks
23.30 - 3D glasses will be distributed for free
24.00 - END OF THE WORLD, the song "The Final Countdown" will be performed

To follow: END OF THE WORLD after show party.

Let ski season begin!  I wonder where they're going to get the snow.

 see status above

Too funny DD...have a great day filled with love and laughter

yuo to Deerest.

Proud and happy that I plugged cell phone in to charge...alas didn't plug into wall outlet. Sigh.

I need to go plug up too.......:-)

I'm not even gonna ask. 

Hi All, NYR Going to post here more often.  Hope I remember this tomorrow.

My NYR, Prodding Robbie to post more often. 

Heay Robbie! If yuo remembered that yuo siad that yuo wer going to post here more yesterday post more here today ok?

Picked-up our skis from the ski shop.  They are all prepped-out and ready to go.  If all goes as planned we'll be heading for West Virginia week-end after next. Wooooo-Hoooooo!!!




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