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Westboro Baptist Church Cult Plans to Protest Connecticut Shooting Funerals – Using the Tragedy as a “Sign from God”

Known for their infamous protests of 9/11, in which they displayed picket signs thanking God for the event that killed thousands of Americans, the Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals as they believe this is another sign of God’s work. Supporter and member Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted about the expected protest:

Another tweet about how Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals has hit the mainstream social media as Margie Phelps tweeted:

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boy these folks could just bowl you over with their christian love and charity..

these are the names for their websites

Anonymous Takes On Westboro

that petition is up to 213,011 signatures so far..

Why don't they make guns illegal like drugs?

The right wants to make abortion illegal because it kills children.  Why don't they want guns illegal for the same reason?

I am in the middle of a heated argument with a reformed alcoholic and felon, who insists that what one person does with your property is entirely their responsibility, and not yours. That Nancy Lanza was in no possible way responsible for training her son, a boy with virtually no sense of right or wrong or self-control, on how to use high-powered weapons. He also insists that since she has "paid the ultimate price" for something that is "not her fault", that that somehow settles the entire gun-control issue.

He is also a vehement Tea Partier. I'm beginning to sense a pattern here....

I would not be surprised if this petition reached over a million before Jan 13th...

You can not ignore the voice of a million people...

There were more than 200,000 Texans that signed the petition to secede from the Union.  

However there were ~300,000 signatures on a petition nationwide to throw Texas out of the Union.

Sounds reasonable to me, however I would rather that they be strung up, tarred and feathered.

What is happening is the funerals are now about half over as the first week ends since the event occurred.  Though the media remains in place, most of the happenings in Newtown are now seen as taped and edited shown in the news updates with second level news personalities providing the voice overs and interviews of the bereaved and other parties. 

Meantime, the nation moves on.  Moves on to the debate of the what, why and who with only some of the answers in place as to what and why of Newtown while the nation looks to its leadership to provide answers as to fears, protection and security from this ever happening again.  

We now have proposed action by some in congress  that will dissolve in but a few days with other matters at hand, and the president tasking the vice-president to propose recommendations and actions by the end of January.  

As most will see Newtown, it will be yet another example of how violence can show up any time, any place and and add to feeling of the continued lack of security and stability in living in America.




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