TBD on Ning

Here we are, can you believe it's April already?  serious signs of spring are plentiful, even tho' the weather goddess can't seem to make up her mind.

Stop in and visit for a bit, tell us how your day's going.  share a bit of your dream with us!

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Tags: chatting, friends, spring

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glad it's not hurting.  that's a good thing!  you too, have a wonderful weekend, Goldilocks!

hoping everyone made it thru Friday 13th with ho damage done!  now on to tax weekend!  mine were done and paid (that was painful) and now i'm selling investments to pay off the credit card that i paid 'em with.  ugh  maybe this coming year, i'll finally get that "estimate" right and have the correct amount withheld!  i can only hope....

Hi Lynn and everyone else who might wander in

Have had a great day so far, except am fighting with my new I pad...will not stay connected to my wifi...I have tried everything that was told to me to do so I am thinking it is my machine and not my wifi connection...it will stay on for about twenty minutes and then disconnects...while my computer stays connected...so think I am going to take it back and see if I can get one that works...

Spent a couple of hours with my brother today...we looked at family pics and laughed about our crazy, crazy family...He said that he feels he only has six more weeks to live, who knows...he said actually he is curious as to what happens...and is not afraid or sad to go...he has a great attitude, which helps people feel better when they are dying

My other Steve is in Canyon City today for a wedding...will be another hard hurdle for him to cross as it is a nephew of his deceased wife...one step at a time...grief is a bitch sometimes..

am having dinner with a very good friend tonight and had brunch with my daughter and a former co worker and his wife...we try to get together at least once a month

Hope everyone has had a fabulous day filled with love and laughter

thanks for stopping in, Thalia! 

it's great that your brother is able to talk about what he's experiencing!  brutal tho it is, that is SOOO much better than what i experienced in my family, that there was no conversation about dying and then ~~poof~~ it happened.  and it sure as hell wasn't my unwillingness to listen.

as for his timeline?  if he says he knows what it is, he's probably right, whether that's  his own determination to control his destiny or him listening to the spirit world, there's no way to tell.  but given that he has said that, i'm glad you'll have some extra time towards the end of May, to spend with him!

i'll share that, my sister died unexpectedly (as did my father) -- she was cancer-free, altho' debilitated and disabled from the surgeries for oral cancer.  yes, she'd been a smoker and a drinker.  but ... we were estranged for the last 4 months of her life, and that was perhaps the hardest part of all, to come to terms with.  surely wasn't our first estrangement, but it sucked to know there'll never be any peacemaking.  she's appeared to her children and to my children, but not to me, so i can only assume she's still pissed.  so, given that history, i am happy for you that your family is gradually reconciling, and that you and your brother are able to connect at this most critical of times, Thalia. it's a wonderful thing.

your Steve will be fortunate to have you there, to comfort him in his grief.  yeah, it's brutal but at least we DO have the choice to grieve and recover, and continue our lives!  i have a friend in Canon City (that's n with a ~ over it, assume it's the same place.)  we've become distant due to my unwillingness to tolerate his constant right-wing anti-Obama (racist-seeming) email "forwards" but i can only honor and respect his USMC service and his final decision to divorce his long-estranged wife (they're Catholic) and marry the woman who he called his "caretaker" for many years, who nursed him thru kidney dialysis and transplant as well as lower leg amputation due to complications of diabetes.  i wish them well, but at this point, i no longer miss them

i ramble. hope your dinner this evening is as rewarding as your lunch was, earlier!

((((Thallygal))))     ((((Lynn))))



((((Goldilocks))))) good to see you

((((Lynn)))))  yes this is a trip for sure, isn't it, our journey through life...my friend wendy and I were talking about that at dinner tonight...she knew steve and me in the past and has been through so much with me...and has had her own struggles as well...as we all do from time to time..

Today I am saying Life is good

and probably the same canyon city...my ex was at the abbey there for highschool and was studying to be a priest there as well..It is a beautiful place...and I think that the rain stayed away until after the outdoor wedding, so that was good

Today is all we have, Thalia....

that Michigan man asked if we could start corresponding again.  sigh. just about the time i had him installed behind a door in the back of my brain he went and had a heart attack, and i've not been able to set him aside since, despite trying, so i suppose we might as well try it.  but the rules changed, i'm not going to do all the relationship work any more, so we'll see....  but yes, today is all there is -- i won't cease living my life here, for sure!  i can't tolerate the thought of being one of those women who are perpetually waiting in hope, that's enough to gag a maggot.

Sunday April 15th, the month is half over already.  The temps are warmer here but no dependable sunny days.  Part of retirement I enjoy is sitting in the sunshine watching and listening to the world around me.

ummm, Richard, i'm sure you've already realized that you live in the wrong part of geography to get a lot of sunshine time....  but Sharon's worth it, clearly!  and perhaps that makes the rare sunny times all the more precious, huh?

yes, half over, i'm not so fond of how fast the days fly by at this stage of life.  it takes real conscious effort to sieze some part of each day for me, to celebrate how good life is! 

Monday's here again!  hot and sunny, which would be great but for the air quality's so bad i can't even SEE my mountains!  oh, well, this too shall pass.

hope your week will be a good one!

I may be in the wrong part of geography for sunshine but the right place for air quality and relatively low humidity not to mention low air conditioning expense.  LOL  I hope your mountain view returns soon.




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