TBD on Ning

Here we are, can you believe it's April already?  serious signs of spring are plentiful, even tho' the weather goddess can't seem to make up her mind.

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Tags: chatting, friends, spring

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Hi, Richard and Lynn!

I'm not superstitious either.

I'm just glad I had my root canal(s) done today rather than tomorrow!  :-D

Oh no!!  What torture!  You had more than one?  Yeah having the procedure today was good planning.  LOL

Yes, Richard, it is a molar, and it has 3 roots.  It is an anchor tooth for a bridge that came loose on that tooth, and decay happened underneath it unseen.

yikes, Goldilocks!  i'm sure glad THAT's over and done with, for you!  now it's just the pain in the pocketbook, but no more pain in the jaws!

Yes, Lynn, I'm glad it's done!  The bridge has to be replaced, and I have a temporary one till the permanent one is ready in a few weeks.  It sure will be a pain in the pocketbook, but like you said, no more pain in the jaws!

hope you are doing well...and you should be glad you had it today because it is OVER!!!!!!Yeahhhhhhhhhh


Thank you, Thallygal!  I'm so glad that part is over, been dreading it since the middle of March.

What a relief!

Hi RRC and Goldilocks and of courseRichard and Lynn ...

So good to be here tonight...well I told my boss I was going to 24 hours, yeahhhhhhhhhh, was going to start in June, she told me if I wanted to start earlier that would be ok too, wrote to her thinking her for being so understanding...she really is a good boss, and told her that I would think about it over the weekend...and let her know Monday....I have made up my mind....I am going to start second week in May and could not be more thrilled....this way will have more time to spend with my brother...and that will be good, think my friend Steve and I will take brother Steve to Glenwood Springs some time very soon for a weekend in the hot springs...

I Love Friday the 13th...always been a lucky day for me...

Spend it with lots of love and laughter

Good for you being able to cut your work hours, Thallygal.  Everything is good about being semi-retiredness.  Fridays the 13th are just another day on the playground to me.

Good morning and happy Friday the 13th to all who stop in today.  I try to make my Fridays easier than the other days particularly wile I am doing the self-employment thing.  The weather is promised to be nice all weekend but the weather predicting folks here are known for making mistakes.  LOL  I'd like to spend some of the nice weekend doing some light yawd work outside.  I need to get an early start on whacking away at the neighbor's intrusive grape/kiwi fruit jungle.  I'd like the kill the apple tree that drops tiny scabby apples all over the place.  Yikes!  This is turning into a rant!  Sorry!!  *shuffles off*

just a Friday, neither lucky nor unlucky, it'll be what i make it!

Thalia, i'm really glad you decided to cut back one more day, and that your boss seems to be encouraging about that! because you're good at what you do, it'll be a bit of a loss to your clients but given how appreciative they seem to be, well, knocking yourself out for most of them isn't worth the effort!  and  some time with your brother ... i hope that will be rewarding to both of you!  and aha, you've now given us the NAME of old/new man friend, yippee!  that seems a very positive step!

Richard, i remember where the apple tree is, but the vines?  are they on the other side, or part of that same jungle?  harvesting kiwis might not be so bad but yes the vines need to be pruned and maintained no matter whether neighbor does it or not, you must!  hope it'll be comfortably warm so you can get out and do that, soon!  temps in the 80s here by early next week, i'm thrilled!  it's been a solid week of overnight freeze warnings, and i'm ready for some more warmth!

Happy Friday, everyone!  It's been a beautiful sunshiny day in the 'Burgh, George and I went out for lunch and ran our errands this afternoon.

Thank you, Richard, Lynn and Thallygal, for your caring about me and my tooth!  :-)  My dentist prescribed an anti-inflammatory medicine and I've been taking it.  I feel fine, there is hardly any pain at all!

I hope you all have had a good Friday, and will have a wonderful weekend as well!




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