TBD on Ning

Here we are, can you believe it's April already?  serious signs of spring are plentiful, even tho' the weather goddess can't seem to make up her mind.

Stop in and visit for a bit, tell us how your day's going.  share a bit of your dream with us!

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Tags: chatting, friends, spring

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I have had a LiveJournal account for many many years.  What I like about it is that you choose your friends and they can not add their friends to mine without my approval.  The format is much like this one only here anyone can stop in.  Another feature with LJ is that you can create filters which would include a specific group of your friends or relatives.  I haven't used mine too much lately since most of my friends have escaped to FB.  LOLOL  Even so, it is a good place for entering life's happenings.

Although the weather is back to gloomy the days has gone well.

isn't that the site that took over the original TBD, somehow?  my 2 page list of passwords (!!) has a LJ account, but i've never used it....

a guy from EPA region 10 office in Seattle was on my first call this morning, he said it was at least not raining, altho' in the 40s.  :-(

I don't know who took over the original TBD.  I have been with LiveJournal for over 12 years.  Did TBD exist back then?

Yeah Seattle is a little more mild than here in Portland.  It is a rainy 52 now, a veritable heat wave.

Wednesday, and i'm done with my back2back conference calls.  there's 1 day a month that it's just unavoidable, sigh.  2 of 'em, 90 mins each, and at the end, i'm just brain-fried!

Morning folks...I will type my greeting through bleary eyes. Today it the tough one during a performance run..hump day. Last night we had a wonderful receptive audience and that is what makes it all worthwhile. 

Off to work after I check on Sadie, she is blind and I really slowing down, I wonder how much longer my sweet pup can keep going, but I just don't have the heart to put her down yet, she is in no pain and loves to snooze out in the sun. 

So good to have this place to stop and put my feet up.

I am glad to see you had a receptive audience.  It smooths out the rough edges.

Poor Sadie, as long as she drinks, eats, and is in no pain keep her.  We get too attached to our pets but then they are so hard to resist aren't they.

RRC, i know you're tired, and you'll be more-so before the week is out, but you'll run on adrenaline 'til the show closes, and you'll sleep and recover soon enough.  would love to see a video of your play, is anyone recording it?

about your beloved dog, i'm glad she's not in pain.  for that reason, you can just let her live out her natural life span, with a clear conscience, and you&family will take the best care of her, that you can.  it's sad, but there's truly no reason to shorten her life, if she's just old, not suffering.  to do otherwise might actually be selfish, to ease the pain of the humans, and if Sadie's comfortable then i'm with you, let her go on as long as she's able!  it'll be hard enough when the time comes, but she'll let you know when she needs to leave you.  sending love and hugs to you....

Good Thursday morning.  (Well it was 8:57 PDT when I started this.)  The big event of my day today is to pickup and send off our tax returns.  Hey I hold on to my ducats as long as I can.  LOL  Otherwise it is a normal rainy day here in the Pacific Wonderland.  Enjoy what is left of your day and get ready for Friday the 13th!

no work for me today, just not in the mood. 

hey, i'm not superstitious, are you?

No I am not at all superstitious.  I am intrigued with them though and how superstitions got started and spread.

hoping you have a GRAND friday the 13th!

You too Lynn!




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