TBD on Ning

This is the place where you can pop in and say "hey" ONLY if you are #13 or less online here at TBD.  Sometimes the fewest voices carry the strongest message.
Pipe up and let it be known you are here....
Take a number and stand in line....
*like anyone would really know....hehe!*

What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6111

Replies to This Discussion

Me and Steve, 10:38 CST,

pardon me, Steve and me

Just me at 3:45 PST.

It's my Friday, so I'm relaxing with toast and hot cocoa and gettting caught up on the news.

3 at 11:16 PM EST

257 people online!!

Oh no, I was looking at the page number.

Hahahahaha!!!!    I'd go apoplectic if it were true...:-)


# 1 for a sec....then none....:-(

Only me @ 10:46 AM EDT......

Ya'll wake up!!!!!!!

3 at 11:07, but one of them is a tool.

tool just left. 2 at 11:12 EDST 3/11/2012

There was 5 a minute ago.  Business is booming!

2 and the creek is rising.


Just me at 6:06 PM EDT.

I was popping pop corn and it made me think of you Goldi so I popped in to say :HEY".




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