TBD on Ning

Newt Gingrich once owed Tiffany's Jewelry store several hundred thousand dollars.  He says this has been resolved, but many democrats are still making this an issue.

Karen Santorum once dated a doctor who performed abortions and was forty years older than herself.

Environmentalists are outraged that Obama dined in a restaurant that served shark's fin soup.

And Mitt Romney?  Well, we know what he did.

Are these issues?  Do you take things like this into account  when you go to the polls?  Are these 'nonissues' important or is this character assassination?




Tags: Politics, character, propaganda, secrets

Views: 141

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I voted for the Aggie even though he lost the Farm Bureau endorsement for Govenor, I voted for the dead guy running for County Comissioner, I did not vote for my son running for City Council.




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